I have a nested documents which I am syncing in Solr :

   "title":"Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Levels During Resuscitation 
of Preterm Infants at Birth (The POLAR Trial) ",
   "status":"Not yet recruiting",
      "Murdoch Childrens Research Institute|Children''s Hospital of 
Philadelphia|University of Amsterdam"
   "source":"Murdoch Childrens Research Institute",
      "Murdoch Childrens Research Institute",
      "Children''s Hospital of Philadelphia",
      "University of Amsterdam"
      "facilityname":"The Royal Women''s Hospital, Melbourne Australia",
            "Louise Owen"
         "investigatorrole":"Principal Investigator",
         "investigatorsaffiliation":"The Royal Women''s Hospital, Melbourne 
            "David Tingay, MBBS FRACP"
         "investigatorrole":"Study Chair",
         "investigatorsaffiliation":"Royal Children''s Hospital, Melbourne 
            "Omar Kamlin"
         "investigatorrole":"Principal Investigator",
         "investigatorsaffiliation":"The Royal Women''s Hospital, Melbourne 
         "therapeuticareaname":"Premature Birth",
         "text_prefixauto":"Premature Birth",
            "Premature Birth"
         "therapeuticareaname_facet":"Premature Birth",
         "therapeuticareaname":"Lung Injury",
         "text_prefixauto":"Lung Injury",
            "Lung Injury"
            "Respiratory tract diseases"
         "therapeuticareaname_facet":"Lung Injury",
            "Respiratory tract diseases"

1.            I need all the parent document, I am using following query to 
fetch Parent documents when checking for field 
http://localhost:8983/solr/ClinicalTrial2/select?q={!parent which='-nodetype:* 

2. I am using following query to Get Facets for diseaseareas and 
therapeuticareaname fields :
http://localhost:8983/solr/ClinicalTrial2/select?q={!parent which='-nodetype:* 
diseaseareas : { domain:{blockChildren:\"nodetype: pnode\"}, type: terms, 
field: diseaseareas_facet, limit:-1, ctfacet: { documentsCount: 
\"unique(_root_)\" } }, therapeuticareas : { domain:{blockChildren:\"nodetype: 
pnode\"}, type: terms, field: therapeuticareaname_facet, limit:-1, ctfacet: { 
documentsCount: \"unique(_root_)\" } }}

Now, when I am seleting Facets for diseaseareas and therapeuticareaname fields 
on UI, I want to filter my records.
3. When using below query it is giving 0 records

which='-nodetype:cnode *:*' 

Please suggest how to filter records based on Child documents Facets.


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