Documentary film on Pogrom of Serbs in OSCE       

16 March 2009. 14:27

ImageThe Serbian Mission with OSCE has shown a documentary film in 
Vienna on the occasion of the 5th anniversary since the pogrom of Serbs 
in Kosmet, entitled “Document of suffering”. Diplomats and reporters 
have been informed through this film of Ninoslav Randjelovic about the 
suffering of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosmet, and form their 
statements it is clear that even today they do not have the freedom of 
move and have to worry on the daily basis for their safety. During the 
introduction, Serbian Ambassador to OSCE Miroslava Beham has presented 
the fact about the program of Serbs fro March 17 to 19, 2004. She 
reminded that in those three days, 19 people lost their lives, many Serb 
monasteries and more than 800 houses have been destroyed, while some 
4,000 Serbs have been expelled. According to her, the March pogrom has 
demonstrated the incapability of UNMIK to protect the non-Albanian 
population in Kosmet. While quoting many representatives of the 
international community, Beham has conveyed some of the horrifying 
images of what happened to the Kosmet Serbs. She pointed out that it is 
necessary to find the solution acceptable for all the inhabitants in the 

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