Boba Borojevic
LETTER TO EDITOR: Truth about Serbia

Monday, March 2, 2009 
The Tuesday Op-Ed, "A separate take from Serbia" by William Walker, deeply 
shocked me due toits lack of impartiality and its maliciousness and/or 
Claiming that basically nothing has changed in Serbia regarding Kosovo since 
the era of the late Slobodan Milosevic is not only simply false, but also 
represents an outrageous fabrication. It was the democratic opposition that 
toppled Mr. Milosevic in a democratic revolution in October 2000 and sent him 
to The Hague. The leaders of this revolution have been democratically 
re-elected in several elections to lead Serbia on its European path toward 
democracy and having the highest respect for human rights. 
In the negotiations over the status of Kosovo, Serbia had offered Kosovo 
autonomy over and above any similar arrangements that exist in multiethnic 
states throughout the world. That these negotiations ended with a unilateral 
declaration of independence by Albanian leaders in Kosovo, bypassing the U.N. 
Security Council in spite of the standing U.N. Resolution 1244, is a travesty 
of international law and a dangerous precedent that will inflame secessionist 
movements throughout the world. 
As to the question of where was Serbian President Boris Tadic during the 
Milosevic years, let me point out that he was in the opposition from the very 
first day to the very end of the Milosevic regime. I am a witness to that, as I 
went through it all myself. On the eve of the revolution, a warrant was issued 
for Mr. Tadic's arrest for instigating a workers' strike against the regime. 
All of this is well-known and should receive due acknowledgment and respect. 
What is maybe less known is that as a young man, Mr. Tadic was interrogated, 
arrested and sentenced to jail for defending the human rights of Albanians 
among others. 
The impartiality of Mr. Walker has been questioned over the years, not least 
because of what has been perceived as his rush to judgement in the Racak case 
that led to the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999. His op-ed can only add support 
to doubts concerning his impartiality. 
Ambassador of Serbia to the United States 
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