New evidence of the attack of KLA on Yugoslav Army soldiers    
10. 03. 2009.

The War Crime Prosecution of Serbia has new evidence of the terrorist 
attack of the KLA on Yugoslav Army border soldiers on 30 September 1998 
in the Kosara region, when five soldiers were killed and two were 
injured. The evidence includes a video footage of the ambush, RTS 
reports. The KLA terrorist group, led by Agim Ramadani from an Albanian 
base, crossed the Yugoslav border and set an ambush to the soldiers. The 
new evidence partly refers to the case of trade in organs of some 300 
kidnapped Kosmet Serbs, who were transferred to camps in northern 
Albania in the summer of 1999. In March 2008, the Serbian prosecution 
started an investigation into the crimes committed against the abducted 
Serbs, after former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla del Ponte wrote about 
that in her book La Caccia. The first testimonies during an UNMIK 
investigation, the latest photos and other evidence point to the fact 
that the main organizers and perpetrators of those crimes were former 
KLA leaders, including Ramus Haradiani, who controlled the border with 
Albania at the time. All that is more than enough to launch an 
investigation in Albania and also for the Council of Europe and other 
international institutions, Serbian Prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekaric 

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