On Jan 24, 2013, at 1:54 PM, YKdvd wrote:

> If I have an instance "MyInstance" with an attribute "itsLazyAttribute" from 
> a relationship, where everything is defined and queried with lazy loading, 
> then the attribute is lazily loaded, and only filled in when I access it 
> (perhaps, x=len(MyInstance.itsLazyAttribute).   But if not accessed before 
> the instance is detached (session closed, or expunge called) then the 
> attribute will be unavailable, and trigger a DetachedInstanceError (not 
> bound, lazy load operation cannot proceed).
> All fine, but is there any way to automatically trip all the lazy triggers 
> before detaching an instance?  Something like a 
> "session.fullyLoad(MyInstance)" type of call?  I couldn't seem to see 
> anything that would do this.  I can redo things to do an eager query, but I 
> was wondering if I was missing something?

scalar, column-bound attributes will all load at once if you touch one of them. 
 But a relationship()-bound attribute is always an independent entity, for the 
reason that loading these relationships requires a whole SQL query for the one 
attribute as it is.   

the strategies for this kind of thing usually go in this order:

1. don't try to use detached objects.    Philosophically, an object allows 
"detachment" only so that it can be stowed away somewhere temporarily, or moved 
between two Sessions.    There's not a lot of use cases IMO that really require 
detached objects to be usable.  In my view it's kind of like the object is 

2. try to load the object as fully as you need at load time, using eager 
loading.  this can save on having to do lots of individual SELECT statements if 
you're lazy loading.

3. to actually lazy load everything you'd need to employ some technique, in 0.8 
this is easy:

from sqlalchemy import inspect

insp = inspect(myobject)
for key in insp.relationships.keys():
    getattr(myobject, key)

if in 0.7 you'd need to iterate like this:

from sqlalchemy.orm import object_mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm.properties import RelationshipProperty

mapper = object_mapper(myobject)
for rel in mapper.iterate_properties():
    if isinstance(rel, RelationshipProperty):
        getattr(myobject, rel.key)

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