I have 2 tables which are related to each other through an M:N
relationship (Keyword & Action). Additionally, the relationship itself
has attributes, which I have as non-key attributes in a third table
(KeywordAction). I've modeled this dozens of different ways, but have
yet to get exactly what I want from the model.

At the ORM level, I want Keyword to have a property that is a
collection of KeywordAction instances. Each KeywordAction instance
would have a single Action instance property, so I could do things
like this:

for ka in keyword.keyword_actions:
    if ka.status == 'open':

keyword.keyword_actions.append(KeywordAction(action, status = 'open'))

I've tried using the association_proxy, but I get the feeling that's
not the right tool for this job.

 Any advice would be appreciated!
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