Az wrote:
> The following code maps these classes to respective database tables.
>     # SQLAlchemy database transmutation
>     engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
>     metadata = MetaData()
>     customers_table = Table('customers', metadata,
>         Column('uid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>         Column('name', String),
>         Column('email', String)
>     )
>     orders_table = Table('orders', metadata,
>         Column('item_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>         Column('item_name', String),
>         Column('customer', Integer, ForeignKey('customers.uid'))
>     )
>     metadata.create_all(engine)
>     mapper(Customer, customers_table)
>     mapper(Orders, orders_table)
> Now if I do something like:
>     for order in session.query(Order):
>         print order
> I can get a list of orders in this form:
>     Item ID 1001: MX4000 Laser Mouse, has been ordered by customer no.
> 12
> =========
> What I want to do is find out customer 12's name and email address
> (which is why I used the ForeignKey into the Customer table). How
> would I go about it?
> =========

You need to add a "relationship" between the two classes. This is
documented at
The documentation is using the declarative form. If you want to continue
to use the distinct table definitions followed by mapper definitions, it
would look something like this:

mapper(Orders, orders_table, properties={
    'customer_object': relationship(Customer, backref='orders')

This will add a 'customer_object' property to the Orders class which
returns the corresponding Customer object. The backref='orders'
parameter means that the Customer object will also get an 'orders'
property which will be a list of all orders owned by the Customer.

You might find it more convenient if your existing 'customer' column was
actually called something like 'customer_id', then you could call your
relationship property 'customer' instead. If you didn't want to rename
the actual column in the database, you can still ask SQLAlchemy to use a
different name for the column, as demonstrated in

Hope that helps,


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