Hi Scott!

You're great! I checked the attached modification and found no search taking longer than 20s now! It's a great improvement. I didn't find any other problems, so I will leave the modification in my FTS3 compilation.

Many thanks!


Scott Hess schrieb:
2007/12/4 Scott Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This seems a little excessive, though.  I do see that there's an
O(N^2) path in the prefix-searching (loadSegmentLeavesInt()'s call to
docListUnion()).  I can reasonably make that O(logN), which might help
a great deal, if you're hitting it.  Not really sure how to tell if
you're hitting it, but I'll experiment at my end and see whether I can
improve things there.

With the attached patch, the time to match against 't*' with the rfc
dataset goes from 1m16s to 5s.

It passes the tests, but I'll not guarantee that this is what I'll
check in.  I want to think on it.  But let me know if this doesn't


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