VACUUM with multiplex does not delete chunks on Windows (fossil [8ce2b74a82]).

It seems this is because the file handle(s) are still held open by the 
multiplex layer when xDelete is triggered. Since Windows can not delete open 
files, they are kept.

I have not investigated this in depth, but closing the file handle before 
deleting the file works well for my simple test case. Here is the change in 

static void multiplexSubClose(
  multiplexGroup *pGroup,
  int iChunk,
  sqlite3_vfs *pOrigVfs
  sqlite3_file *pSubOpen = pGroup->aReal[iChunk].p;
  if( pSubOpen ){
    pSubOpen->pMethods->xClose(pSubOpen); /* <-- Moved here */
    if( pOrigVfs ) pOrigVfs->xDelete(pOrigVfs, pGroup->aReal[iChunk].z, 0);
    /* pSubOpen->pMethods->xClose(pSubOpen); <-- Moved above */
  memset(&pGroup->aReal[iChunk], 0, sizeof(pGroup->aReal[iChunk]));

By the way: No error is returned if multiplex VACUUM fails to delete a chunk. 
Maybe it should, to warn curious end users who like to investigate files with 
uncommon names?

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