SQLite version 3.8.2 is tentatively scheduled for release on 2013-12-10.
That date can move in either direction.

Snapshots of the latest beta code can be obtained from the
http://www.sqlite.org/download.html download page.  A summary of changes in
the 3.8.2 release can be seen at

The version 3.8.2 status board (
http://www.sqlite.org/checklists/3080200/index) is now online.  Sometime
next week, if we stay on schedule, the developers will begin checking off
items the status board.  Individual status items turn green upon successful
validation.  (Various other colors show other states, of course.)  The
release will occur after the status board goes all-green.

If you have any issues or concerns with the latest SQLite code, now would
be a very good time to raise them.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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