Am 28.05.2008 um 17:52 schrieb D. Richard Hipp:

> On May 28, 2008, at 11:25 AM, Jens Miltner wrote:
>> s there any work being done trying to either minimize the
>> synchronization needed or provide a memory allocator that doesn't do
>> all the alerting
> Yes.  This has been requested before and will appear soon.

Can you give any estimated timeframe for this?
I'm asking because we need to decide whether to wait for your  
implementation of whether to try and re-introduce our simple memory  
allocator on our own. (We've identified this issue to slow down the  
performance of our threaded app by a factor of more than 10 in some  
situations, so we definitely need to do something about it. I'd much  
rather wait for the "official" implementation if we can fit this into  
our release schedule...)


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