Hello SQLite users,
Hello Dr. Hipp,

while doing updates from multiple threads, I'm only able to perform an update on one 
thread, all the other threads returning SQLITE_BUSY. This is ok: I've read the docs 
and it behaves as it should.

However, what I don't understand is the behavior of sqlite when I set a busy timeout. 
The documentation states:

** This routine sets a busy handler that sleeps for a while when a
** table is locked.  The handler will sleep multiple times until 
** at least "ms" milleseconds of sleeping have been done.  After
** "ms" milleseconds of sleeping, the handler returns 0 which
** causes sqlite3_exec() to return SQLITE_BUSY.

So my question is this: given two threads, T1 and T2 which try to do simultaneous 
updates from two separate threads, and T1 is beginning and commiting the UPDATE, 
shouldn't T2 try for x milliseconds (value specified in sqlite3_busy_timeout) before 
returning SQLITE_BUSY ? In v3.0.4, the result is that T2 returns immediately reporting 
SQLITE_BUSY, as if it is ignoring the busy timeout.

George Ionescu

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