
Could you allow an outputting of autoreduced states when they produce conflicts? I have noticed that such errors are caused by small and hard-to-find remnants in a grammar file. There is no other way to detect such errors. A few lines are getting the problem off (function lemon.c:ReportOutput):

--- "../../sqlite-src-3240000/tool/lemon.c" 2018-06-04 21:51:19.000000000 +0200
+++ lemon.c     2018-07-09 19:58:39.852430500 +0200
@@ -3294,9 +3740,19 @@

   fp = file_open(lemp,".out","wb");
   if( fp==0 ) return;
-  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate; i++){
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
     stp = lemp->sorted[i];
-    fprintf(fp,"State %d:\n",stp->statenum);
+    if( i>=lemp->nxstate ){
+      for(ap=stp->ap; ap!=0; ap=ap->next){
+        if( ap->type==SSCONFLICT ) break;
+        if( ap->type==SRCONFLICT ) break;
+        if( ap->type==RRCONFLICT ) break;
+      }
+      if( ap==0 ) continue;
+      fprintf(fp,"Degenerated state %d:\n",stp->statenum);
+    } else {
+      fprintf(fp,"State %d:\n",stp->statenum);
+    }
     if( lemp->basisflag ) cfp=stp->bp;
     else                  cfp=stp->cfp;
     while( cfp ){

-- best regards

Cezary H. Noweta
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