Hi All,

This is my first post here so please be gentle!

I'd like to make a suggestion for a future enhancement.I'm using the latest
System.Data.Sqlite and C#, I've got a small database with a freetext (FTS3)
table. When I query this table I use the Offsets function to get the
position of the matches in the record. The problem is that the offsets
returned by Offsets are byte offsets, in a future release would it be
possible to have a new function or something similar which returns
character offsets instead? (naturally depending on whether the database is
using UTF8 or 16).

I'm using the information returned by Offsets to highlight areas in a
string. If the string contains multi-byte Unicode characters then the byte
offsets do not match the position in the string. To get round this I
convert the string into a UTF8 byte array and then I can find the correct
byte positions easily and then the selected areas back to a string.


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