
Is json_group_array() supposed to honor a sorting clause or not ? (and
concatenation aggregates in general)

I have a query like

select json_group_array(json_object(
   'id', st.id,
   'num', st.numeric_field,
   ...bunch of fields here...
from some_table st
...bunch of joins here...
where ...bunch of conditions...
order by st.numeric_field desc
limit 50

but the resulting JSON array is not ordered according to the "order by",
but AFAICT by the st.id field (a primary key)
When not aggregating, the records are in the correct order.

Is it a bug or something expected ?

I can get the proper order when I use a subquery for the joins & filters,
and aggregate in a top level query, but that is
rather more verbose, and I am not sure the ordering being preserved in that
case is not just 'circumstancial' and could
be affected by future SQLite query optimizations.


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