
First: I'm an intern and know little of pretty much everything. Try to
explain the best you can, please!

I'm trying to set up Kerberos on a Squid proxy server (the server is
to allow access to ip-based content away from the intranet, so it will
be something like so: client --> internet --> VPN --> access to
intranet --> proxy server --> ip-based content).

Unfortunately, every time I connect to the proxy to connect to random
webpage, I receive the error "Cache Access Denied". According to the
guy who manages the Kerberos stuff around here, the machine is
authenticated with Keberos and has a ticket...so apparently it's
something to do with Squid (but don't necessarily rule out
Keberos...he may be wrong)?

I set-up Squid using Kerberos (note that prior to the Kerberos
installation, Squid worked fine)doing exactly what was stated in this
The "Kerberos guy" did the Windows step for me...so there shouldn't be
any problems there.

As it says in the guide, I did compile Squid with basic
authentication....but I didn't set it up whatsoever and haven't
changed any settings relating to it...could this be the culprit,
perhaps? This actually seems somewhat likely to me because the error
occurs when I run squid with the start-up script (that includes the
line: export KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/squid/squid.domain.keytab) and when I
start squid using the sbin file...(so it shouldn't even be loading the
keytab file here).

I know this information see

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