Kosovo hit by Ebola-related disease


"The disease is not endemic and it is not new for Kosovo" - Edward Poultney,
World Health Organisation.

  There has been an outbreak of a disease in Kosovo, similar to the deadly
Ebola virus.

Four people have died and more than twenty others have been hospitalised
after contracting Crimea Congo haemorrhagic fever.

The World Health Organisation say it is not an epidemic, and there is no
reason to panic.

The blood disease is most often seen in animals.

It is caused by a virus and transmitted by tick bites or through direct
contact with blood or tissue from an infected animal.

"The disease is not endemic and it is not new for Kosovo," said Edward
Poultney, a spokesman for the World Health Organisation.

He said the death rate for those infected with the disease is as high as 30
percent, although fatalities have been low in the Yugoslav province.

In an attempt to halt the spread of the disease, health authorities have
limited access to Kosovo's hospitals.

But Mr Poultney said there was no reason to panic.

"It is not an epidemic, but one should be very cautious with this disease,"
he said.

Most of the cases have been in the villages and hamlets of western Kosovo.

Health authorities in the province advised people to avoid tick-infested
areas, wear clothing that covers the legs and arms, and check their bodies
regularly for ticks.


Miroslav Antic,


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