On Sat, 30 Aug 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

> Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 09:35:38 -0400
> From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Support for non-JSTL tags (was RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 21465]
>     -Enhanc ement: link tag)
> It's my feeling that Struts 1.x has to support 2.2/1.1, because that's
> where a significant number of users still live.

As you might imagine, I'm interested in this question from both a Struts
perspective and a Sun perspective (I work for Sun), and am always unhappy
with the percentage of people this incorporates.

On the other hand, the activity I've seen on products getting ready for
J2EE 1.4 is quite encouraging, and I don't think we'll see a gap that is
quite that wide.  Part of this is because J2EE 1.4 has taken a while to
mature, and part of this is that the web services specs being included in
it are in a lot of demand, and will spur earlier adoption.

> But, it's also my feeling that the refactoring of the Request Processor
> could open the door to being able to offer more than one front
> controller for Struts 1.x.

+1.  I'm going to be working on this very topic over this weekend, along
with some contributed patches that make it easier to do.

> The default servlet/request processor configuration should be targeted
> for Servlet 2.2/1.1, but there might be enough flexibility there for
> another configuration that supported Servlet 2.3/1.2 and shared most of
> the code that mattered most. Such alternate configurations might be made
> available here, or as a third-party extension, or on Struts SourceForge,
> but I can see them existing. It's just a matter of whether anyone cares
> enough to make it so.
> IMHO, the real point of Struts 2.x is to give us a chance to put
> backward compatibility aside and do things they way they should have
> been done in the first place. But that doesn't mean that we can't
> continue to let Struts 1.x evolve closer and closer to what we envision
> for Struts 2.x.
> So, IMHO, 2.x is not about versioning or platforms. It's about starting
> a new codebase and using all the lessons we have learned (and are still
> learning) from Struts 1.x, to building a better framework, test by test.
> To put it in Jakarta terms, Struts 2.x is a revolution.

Yep.  And a necessary one to boot, as technologies in the rest of the
world (both J2EE standards and other frameworks) continue to evolve.

> -Ted.


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