Hi folks! I am from Uruguay, South America, so sorry my English :)

I am evaluating the Struts framework as an MVC aproach in the web tier in
our company product (after attending the entusiastic presentation in the
JavaOne conference!). The framework convince us pretty much, but we are very
concerned with a situation that we hope is due to our little experience with


If we move our extended Action or ActionForm classes from WEB-INF/classes to
somewhere else in the servlet container classpath (we're using ServletExec
3.0c), an error occurs (ClassCastException) wich prevents the application to


I don't want to include further details (such as servlet logs) unless you
think it's necesary, but tell you that the error takes the form of a
java.lang.ClassCastException in the ActionServlet, when it attemps to cast a
new extended Action class (instantiated via reflection) to its superclass
Action. We're pretty confussed because the class is found and instantiated
when moved, but generates a cast error, even when the log tell us that its
superclass is the one Struts is casting to: org.apache.struts.action.Action.
The same occurs with ActionForm. The web browser shows a processed error
message: "The following error occurred: 500 - No action instance for path
/logon could be created".

Any help will be very appreciated, we hope we're doing some trivial mistake
or something else and this is not a limitation on the framework. We think
that from a JVM standpoint this make no sense, but...

Thanks in advance,
Leonardo Mena

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