I've been wondering about the best way to go about using struts in this 

I have two types of forms (for different kind of web registrations) which 
are very similar, but not quite identical.  The associated 
RegistrationAction will perform slightly different tasks depending on which 
form it is given.  So I could go for two actions, one for each of the 
forms.  That'll work.

But I was wondering if instead I could do have a base RegistrationForm 
(containing lots of common stuff), and then extend it to give me say 
UserRegistrationForm and StaffRegistrationForm.  A single action would 
accept a form of type "RegistrationForm" and do whatever it needed to 
do.  (For the sake of argument, assume that the JSP form can be shared, so 
validation is OK).

So I tried this, by having a startRegistrationAction that created an 
instance of either StaffRegistrationForm or UserRegistrationForm , casting 
it to be of type RegistrationForm, and put it in session scope under the 
name "registrationForm" before forwarding on to the JSP form for the end 
user to complete.

When the form is submitted to the RegistrationAction I get a null form 
passed.   The config I have is....

       type="RegistrationForm" />

     <!-- Register a new user -->

The form tag looks like:
   <html:form action="/register" scope="session" >

....and of course if I change the form-bean type to be 
"StaffRegistrationForm" or "UserRegistrationForm" it will work for one of 
those specific instances.

Am I right in thinking that because my form is of type (say) 
StaffRegistraionForm (which happens to extend RegistrationForm), struts 
won't be able to find a RegistrationForm type object in the session? Which 
is why my Action sees a null form.

So my questions are really....
(1) is this a sane thing to be trying?
(2) is there a way to do this?

Many thanks


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