Re: html:form/Submit question....

2004-01-19 Thread Thomas Cornet
What I understand from your message is that you want to have a 'dynamic' image as a button. An image that changes when the cursor is on the button, or not, which can't be achieved by HTML. The only solution I see is using JavaScript. I don't see why you don't want to use javascript because

Re: Filling data in the select tags

2004-01-19 Thread Thomas Cornet
Step 1 -- You have to make your list of countries available, that is to say storing the list in a scope. You can do this in the action calling the page where are your combos. example : class Country { String iso_code; String name; } public class MyAction

Re: [OT] Looking for a Taglib

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas Cornet
I've written such a library two years ago for a project now in production. Would be happy to send it to you if you're interested... Just one drawback : all javascript code is written in French (variables and comments). Thomas At 18:06 08/12/2003, you wrote: Hi List, I have several pages that

Re: How to detect that session has expired ?

2003-12-07 Thread Thomas Cornet
When a session restarts, its context is empty, so all objects stored in the session context have disappeared. To detect if a session has restarted, you need first to store an object in the session context, then each time you need to know if the session has restarted, you test its presence

Re: [OT] How do you deprecate a method?

2003-11-20 Thread Thomas Cornet
By adding a special tag in the method's javadoc. Example /* * Function to deprecate * * @deprecated */ public void foo() { ... } Thus, the method foo will appear as deprecated in generated javadoc. For other tags :

Re: Struts exception - pl. help

2003-11-13 Thread Thomas Cornet
As I already has this kind of message, I think Struts didn't succed in executing your action so a) check the name and package of your class (comparing to the one declared in your struts-config file) b) check that your class extends o.a.struts.action.Action c) check the signature of the

Re: Action Class: Print into respone

2003-11-10 Thread Thomas Cornet
What I do is returning 'null' after setting the MIME type and printing in the response output stream. Works quite well... Thomas At 12:22 10/11/2003, you wrote: Hello, I want to generate on the fly data which I want to print into the response stream. This is not the problem:

Re: message key on jsp?

2003-09-30 Thread Thomas Cornet
Here is how you can do it : bean:define id=variableName bean:message key=msg.key/ /bean:define HTH, Thomas At 10:20 30/09/2003, you wrote: Hello! For example; I have a key defined in file as msg.key. This can be accessed on jsp as bean:message key=msg.key /.

Re: BUTTON element

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas Cornet
Take a look at this : I suppose this is what you're searching for... Thomas At 18:47 29/09/2003, you wrote: Hi all, I don't seem to see a corresponding struts html tag to render a button element - is there a reason for

Re: Page flow question

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Cornet
Well, you can put in PageTwo hidden fields representing PageOne input values, to get them when you returns to PageOne. You can also store PageOne inputs in a session bean to get them later. Thomas At 21:02 23/09/2003, you wrote: I have the following page flow question. PageOne calls

Re: How to implement close button in Struts?

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Cornet
Something like this should work... html:button onclick=window.close(); caption /html:button Thomas At 22:57 23/09/2003, you wrote: Hi, I have a close button on a page, once user clicks on this button, the window should disappear. How to do this in Struts? regards

Re: How to pull messages from multiple Bundles?

2003-09-17 Thread Thomas Cornet
I'm doing the same thing on my current webapp. You can define as many ressources as you want in your struts-config.xml. Let's define two ressources in your struts-config.xml kile this (the bundle attribute allows to identify ressources) message-resources

Re: How to pull messages from multiple Bundles?

2003-09-17 Thread Thomas Cornet
Oh, excuse me. Looking at the DTDs, it seems that html:errors tag has a 'bundle' parameter, so something like : html:errors bundle=errors property=your_property This should search errors message in the right message ressource, if they are all in the same. Thomas PS : ActionError class just

Re: How to pull messages from multiple Bundles?

2003-09-17 Thread Thomas Cornet
At 00:37 18/09/2003, you wrote: Thomas, Thanks. This variant that you are referring to is the one that places the errors to the side of the property that causes trouble. Is that right? Yep I still want a single view at the top which outlines all the errors yet the message can come from

Re: DynaValidatorForm and Multi-page validation

2003-09-15 Thread Thomas Cornet
There are APIs which handle wizard-based forms in Struts, such as Struts Wizard ( or Struts WorkFlow ( HTH, Thomas At 23:15 15/09/2003, you wrote: Hi, I was also having the same problem, and I

Re: Hi!

2003-09-11 Thread Thomas Cornet
The problem certainly comes from your struts-config.xml file and/or your properties file location. Could you let us also see your struts-config.xml ?? Thomas At 09:57 11/09/2003, you wrote: Hi, I am new to Struts and I am trying to run an Struts example with Tomcat 4.1 and JDK 1.3.4 I am

Re: multi-form page validation problem (client side)

2003-09-04 Thread Thomas Cornet
The html:javascript tag has a parameter named 'statisJavascript' which says if Struts has to render all static code (i.e. the validations functions). So, if you have several form in a page, you should write something like this : html:javascript formName=formA / html:javascript formName=formB

RE: [OT] Re: Small request...

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Cornet
I'm using Eudora, and the date of your post is 06/28/2006 at 6:14 in my mailbox... Maybe it depends also on the mail client. Thomas At 12:57 26/08/2003, you wrote: Yes, I was being silly (sort of). I changed my system date to 2006 before sending that one, but it had no effect on the date

Re: Validation of multiple forms gets to be problematic

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Cornet
To avoid this problem, you just need to make full use of javascript tag, which has a parameter named 'staticJavaScript'. When set to false the different validation faunction are not written. So you just need to have only one tag with this parameter set to true. Example : html:javascript

Re: Update button on a form

2003-08-14 Thread Thomas Cornet
I see several ways to do it : a) using JavaScript (if your users disable JS, it won't work of course) 1) replace all submit with buttons, and write an onClick methods which dynamically set/reset the form action - allows you to have several actions for a simple forml

Re: struts 1.1 question

2003-08-11 Thread Thomas CORNET
In fact, you have to front JSPs only if you're using modules, because requests have to go through struts controller to know which module they belong. If you're not planning to use modules, I think you can keep your struts-config file the way it is. And as tiles and modules are independant, the

Re: [APPLICATION SCOPE] -How and Where to store in app scope

2003-08-10 Thread Thomas Cornet
IMHO, the best thing to do is to create a Plugin, where you'll store all what you need to. The plugin init method is executed once while the servlet container loads the webapp. Thomas At 16:40 05/08/2003, you wrote:

Re: bean:message key=bean:write question

2003-07-29 Thread Thomas Cornet
The simpliest way to do it is : bean:message name=myForm property=myProperty / Thomas At 17:01 29/07/2003, you wrote: Hi all, I have parameters in a form bean and I want to use it as the key for an associated value in a resource bundle. I was considering using bean:message key=bean:write

Re: search results display

2003-07-19 Thread Thomas Cornet
If you put your search results in a bean to be able to display them, it is quite simple : just check if such a bean exists. If so, then a search has been called. html // display search form here logic:present name=yourresultbean // display results here /logic:present /html Thomas

Re: tomcat 4.1.24 on windows xp and j2sdk1.4.1_01

2003-06-15 Thread Thomas Cornet
It seems like your java source files is behind Program Files directory on C:. Problem is path files should not contain any space ( ) character with in. Try to change your java files' location. At 14:36 15/06/2003, you wrote: Hi, We have installed tomcat 4.1.24 on windows xp and j2sdk1.4.1_01

Re: OJB Deployment With Sturts 1.1rc1

2003-04-01 Thread Thomas CORNET
I'm using OJB 0.9.8 with Struts 1.1 rc1, and the only jars I've included in my WEB-INF/lib are 'jakarta-ojb-0.9.8.jar', 'jakarta-ojb-0.9.8-junit.jar' and 'jdbc2_0-stdext.jar'. I had no problems with that config for the moment. Thomas At 11:37 01/04/2003, you wrote: Any one

RE: [OT] Tiles with logic:iterate and JavaScript to sort table

2003-03-31 Thread Thomas CORNET
Sorry, but I don't know JavaScript very well and I don't understand your remark. My answer was : let the script tags where they are otherwise it won't work. In my example the call to the function initTable(table0); is done after the definition of the table table id=table0. So the navigator know

ROOT context

2003-03-27 Thread Thomas CORNET
Hello everybody, I need your opinion about an improbable situation that came into my mind. Imagine that : a) a webapp is in the ROOT context of the server, with a module named 'test' and an action named 'action' for this module b) a webapp named 'test' with an action named 'action'

Re: [TILES] Inserting a definition in an other definition ?

2003-03-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
I think this is the right place to extends the definition. It's working just like Java Classes, your 'content' definition inherits all 'default' definition's attribute. Have you already tried something like this ?? tiles-definitions definition name=default path=/layouts/defaultLayout.jsp

Re: [TILES] Inserting a definition in an other definition ?

2003-03-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
If you look at the DTD of the tiles-def.xml (, you can see this portion : --- !ELEMENT put (#PCDATA) !ATTLIST put name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #IMPLIED type (string | page | template | definition) #IMPLIED

Re: [TILES] Inserting a definition in an other definition ?

2003-03-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
You can also check out this URL : Thomas At 18:31 22/03/2003, you wrote: Subject: Re: [TILES] Inserting a definition in an other definition ? I think this is the right place to extends the definition.

Modules Validator

2003-03-14 Thread Thomas CORNET
Hi all :) I'm using Validator on a multi-modules web application. My only problem comes from the default error messages such as 'errors.required', 'errors.integer'... It seems (I've checked the validation DTD) that you can't specify a bundle for the msg element of a field. So, if I

Re: Multiple application support

2003-03-07 Thread Thomas CORNET
Had the same problem.. You need to pass through the struts controller to use the modules, because this is the controller which is able to determine in which module you are. So you need to browse the result of an action to use modules. Just create an action without form in your

Re: Sharing resources among multiple Struts modules

2003-03-07 Thread Thomas CORNET
Don't worry, it's possible since struts 1.1 :) Two steps are needed : a) in your struts-config.xml file (default module), you can declare several ressources files message-resources parameter=default / message-resources parameter=buttons key=btn /

Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Thomas CORNET
At 09:51 04/03/2003, you wrote: There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing: Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp): !-- tr thContract User/th td html:checkbox

Re: Modules

2003-03-04 Thread Thomas CORNET
Most everything knows how to get at the configuration for the default module. You see, most configuration data is available in two places: 1) application scope under a combination of whatever the key is that identifies that given piece of data -- plus a module identifier. 2) in request


2003-03-02 Thread Thomas CORNET
Hi all :) I hope someone will have a clue for me, because I'm fighting against Struts modules for a couple of weeks now, and nothing works. According to the few tutorials available on Net about struts' modules, all is very easy. Here is what I've understand : a) create a

Re: Modules

2003-03-02 Thread Thomas CORNET
something is missing... Here is in attachment, the jsp source, the action and form classes, and the struts config of the module. Just wanted to say all is working well when module's config content is place in the default module's config. GL! Thomas CORNET wrote: Description: Zip

RE: [OT] aliases [SQL SELECT column aliases]

2003-02-10 Thread Thomas CORNET
Well, if this can not be detectable, you should make a test at the start of your application. Try to make a test statment with some 'AS' inside, and catch the SQLException. If it is catched, make a flag to true, otherwise make the flag to false. Thus, inside your application, accessing

Re: Hi

2003-02-05 Thread Thomas CORNET
IMO, you'll have to create one image per language, and put image's path in your ressource files... Thomas At 06:11 06/02/2003, you wrote: Hello Please tell me whether we can change the label of a button which is an image, using internationaliztion in struts. Normal labels we can change. But

Re: reload application after a slight modification

2003-01-23 Thread Thomas CORNET
Check out : With URL like, you can reload the context of a specific application, without having to restart tomcat Thomas At 05:59 23/01/2003 -0800, you wrote: I use Forte

Re: How did you display formatted date

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
Personnaly, I use datetime taglib ... Thomas At 11:50 22/01/2003 +0100, you wrote: Hi, How can I display an object java.util.Date with the bean:write ... / (or somethig else) in a french format without using a SimpleDateFormat.

Re: Javascript bean:message

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
Yes it is possible. I had something like this : input type=checkbox name=all onClick=JavaScript:selectAll(bean:write name=recherche property=nbresults /); and it's working well :) Thomas At 12:31 22/01/2003 +, you wrote: Is it possible to have a bean:message tag as a parameter to a

RE: Javascript bean:message

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
I know.. It's just a long time coding habit that is hard to lose ;-) At 05:46 22/01/2003 -0700, you wrote: FYI... in an onclick event, you do not need to prefix the method name with javascript: ;-) -Original Message- From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday

RE: Javascript bean:message

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas CORNET
that using href=? works pretty good and seems to alleviate both of the above issues. I discovered this over at when I implemented the help tool tip ( into my application. HTH, Matt -Original Message- From: Thomas CORNET [mailto

RE: Javascript bean:message

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas Cornet
(bean:message I get an error on the JSP saying that 'attribute has no value' -Original Message- From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 22 January 2003 13:23 To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: RE: Javascript bean:message Another

RE: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a t ab le u sing struts?

2003-01-16 Thread Thomas CORNET
--% %-- Title for the columns of the table --% I placed the file sortTable.js in the directory where I placed the JSP file. How can I be certain that script is called? Thanks a lot in advance -Original Message- From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 15 January 2003 22:31

RE: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a t ab le u sing struts?

2003-01-16 Thread Thomas CORNET
Try this... At 10:21 16/01/2003 +0100, you wrote: I placed your code in my JSP page, I can view the table but I didn't see the name of the column (header name) and I can't sort the table. Do you have an idea ? -Original Message- From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 16

RE: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a tab le u sing struts?

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas CORNET
Hello Do you need this sequence to be full JSP ?? Because JavaScript librairies exist to let you directly sort tables. Thus, no page reload is needed. Thomas At 11:39 15/01/2003 +, you wrote: -Original Message- From: Jason Yam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 15 January 2003

Re: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a tab le u sing struts?

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas CORNET
Isn't it ? This is a friend of mine who has coded it, and it's working well. Check out the attachement. Thomas At 14:40 15/01/2003 +0100, you wrote: 2003. január 15. 14:39 dátummal Thomas CORNET ezt írtad: Hello Do you need this sequence to be full JSP ?? Because JavaScript librairies

Re: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a tab le u sing struts?

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas CORNET
You can use/modify it as you wish. Anyway, you'll have to modify it to update the style (colors, font) for your application... Thomas At 15:09 15/01/2003 +0100, you wrote: 2003. január 15. 14:54 dátummal Thomas CORNET ezt írtad: Isn't it ? This is a friend of mine who has coded it, and it's

RE: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a t ab le u sing struts?

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas CORNET
]] Sent: 15 January 2003 15:09 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' Subject: RE: How to let a user click a column header to sort data in a tab le u sing struts? BOMBZ!! That's really cool. It works in Mozilla too FYI. -Jacob | -Original Message- | From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED