Please point out my mistakes.  Does the 'name'
attribute of the logic tag accept an object only?  For
example, I created a session this way:

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String username = request.getRemoteUser();
session.setAttribute( "user", username );

In the LogoffAction, I invalidate the session and want
to forward the visitor to the welcome page.  This is
what I did:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
String username = (String)session.getAttribute( "user"
if (username != null) 
   session.removeAttribute( "user" );
   return (mapping.findForward( "success" ));

I used the logic tag in my welcome.jsp.  It does seem
to work because the LOGOFF button is still displayed.

<logic:notPresent name="user">
<html:link forward="logon">LOGON</html:link> 
<logic:present name="user">| 
<html:link forward="exit">LOGOUT</html:link>


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