Yo ho ho

Following the caffine finally kicking in at the end of my last e-mail I 
added this code to the top of my Action class (that exends 

This seems to work, it checks for the existance of the parameter named 
in the mapping - if its null it will call the dispatchMethod with my 
"init" which calls the init method, otherwise it goes on normally...

Does anyone wiser than me see issues with doing this?

    public ActionForward execute (ActionMapping mapping,
                              ActionForm form,
                              HttpServletRequest request,
                              HttpServletResponse response)
                       throws IOException, ServletException, Exception {

        ActionForward af = null;

        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        if (request.getParameter(mapping.getParameter()) == null) {
            af = dispatchMethod (mapping, form, request, response, 
            af = super.execute (mapping, form, request, response);
        return (af);

-----Original Message-----
From: Chmura, William B. 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 11:18 AM
To: struts-user
Subject: RE: Initialization in a dispatchAction class


* I've tried simply adding in another action called startPremadeReports 
that forwards to: premadeReports.do?action=init
Problem is that the premadeReports has validation which fails because 
you have not been to the form yet

* I've tried a globalForward but that has the same problem...

* The only thing that works so far is to have a whole different action 
that is exactly the same without validation.  then I am back to needing 
the action=init on the first call.

I would really prefer not to hack the source code for a default setting, 

but know that I am thinking about it, can I override the execute method 
or something to check for the parameter, set a default if there is not 
one there and then forward on to the super.execute method?  Hmmmmmmmm

-----Original Message-----
From: ekbush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 11:06 AM
To: struts-user
Subject: Re: Initialization in a dispatchAction class


>I have a number of DispatchAction based classes that run various 
>reports.  They also handle the pre-population of the report request 
>screen drop down boxes...   This is handled currently with an "init" 
>method.  So the first time a screen calls the report selection page is 
>submits it as:   actioname.do?action=init
>I dont like this.   I would prefer:
>(1) To institute init as the default method if the parameter is not 
>(2) Have another action that starts it by transparently calling the 
>class and adding on the action=init
>I've played with a bunch of different ways and it all seems to fail 
>Any ideas?
Perhaps you could save us the effort of suggesting things you have 
already tried by telling us what you have tried? :-)

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