I'm not sure if I understand your question entirely, but I know that
templates have funny and inconsitent ways of dealing with paths.

For example, you cannot use multiple relative path iterators if your
template is runing in the container (../templates/../page/pagehead.jsp".
This happens if you put a relative path to a template tat is specified by a
relative path.

Also paths specified within the template are relative to the putting JSP,
while paths specified withing the putting file are relative to the template.

Essientiall check the paths sent to the template.  They need to be either
absolute, or relative to the template, NOT the "put"ting JSP.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boompally, Jayapal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 2:15 PM
> Subject: Problem in template tag
> First time template working correctly but when I submit to other same page
> it is not showing header, footer, menu it only showing content
> please help me
> Thanks
> Jayapal

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