I would like to know the best way to forward to an action from within

In my application, I would like to have a custom RequestProcessor that
checks some HttpSession attributes
before the requested Action is passed control.  If the HttpSession attribute
is in a given state, 
I would like processPreprocess to populate an ActionForm and pass control to
an Action, 
that will, in turn forward to an ActionForward.
If the HttpSession attribute is in another state, then I would allow
processPreprocess to return true so
the requested Action can take control, as usual.

I have been searching the Struts-Users Mailing List Archives and the Struts
1.1b1 Javadocs, but can't seem
to figure out the best way to pass control to an Action from the
RequestProcessor.  I was looking at 
processActionPerform, but it seems that I would then have to use
processActionCreate to get an Action reference,
and possibly even processMapping so I could use processActionCreate.  Using
these methods seems that I would make
processPreprocess perform the main controller functions that might be the
responsibility of other methods (either
within ActionServlet or RequestProcessor).

I appreciate all responses that may shed some light for me.

Thanks in advance.


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