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It gives me pleasure to announce the release of our first dextrose-3
development image, alpha-1. I thank ActivityCentral, OLPC,
OLPC-Australia and Sugarlabs for working in close coordination and
making this release possible.

The key points of this release are:
* Based on fedora-14
* Based on sugar version 0.92.4
* Porting of most dextrose-2 patches into dextrose-3.
* Upstreaming of a few dextrose-2 patches. We're trying to upstream as
much as we can, but its a slow process.
* Uses the 0.9x collaboration code.
* These images don't contain gnome. The next development release
(alpha-2) will contain gnome.

Broadly, Dextrose-3 is close to FeatureFreeze [1], and is following this
roadmap [2].

Here are the download links for the install images:

=== xo-1 ===

=== xo1.5 ===

* You will need an unlocked XO to test/install these images
* This is a development alpha-release, there are and will be rough
edges, particularly in the area of collaboration, and some
dextrose-specific features.
* Folks are encouraged to test this release and file tickets on
bugs.sugarlabs.org and tag them by assigning the 'dx3' keyword. The
dextrose team will triage them and start fixing.
* Though dx-3-alpha-1 uses sugar 0.92.x, it is not yet certain future
dextrose releases will do the same [3]. That is being worked out at the
moment through discussion.

==Release Notes==

This release is intended to be in sync with OLPC-11.2.0, the release
notes for which can be found here [4]. There will be differences in
activity lists and sugar itself, which would have dextrose specific
patches (latest-patchset date 2011-08-15)


* Abacus-22
* Arithmetic-2
* Browse-123
* Calculate-37
* Chat-70
* Colors-15
* Distance-25
* Etoys-113
* Flipsticks-8
* Fototoon-8
* Get_books-9
* Image_viewer-17
* Implode-10
* Irc-10
* Jukebox-22
* Labyrinth-11
* Log-25
* Maze-11
* Measure-33
* Memorize-36
* Moon-12
* Paint-36
* Physics-8
* Pippy-40
* Poll-27
* Read-90
* Record-92
* Ruler-11
* Speak-30
* Spirolaterals-22
* Stopwatch-11
* Tamtammini-59
* Terminal-34
* Turtle_art-114
* Turtle_machine-22
* Typing_turtle-27
* Visual_match-29
* Words-11
* Write-75

===Issues fixed===

* sl#2803 [dx3] Build dx3ng010 for xo-1 tries to install q3a62 firmware
(which is actually meant for xo-1.5)

* sl#2483 Neighborhood view is sometimes greyed out or owner buddy is

* sl#2805 Opening neighborhood view just reveals a gray screen

* sl#2806 [dx3] Missing central-xo icon in neighborhood view

* sl#2878 python-beautiful soup dependency lacking on dextrose
(was:Read-89 does not start on Sugar 0.88)

* sl#2889 Speak Detection of australian-english

* au#825 Software Update fails to upgrade content bundles


* sl#2807 [dx3] dx3ng010-xo1.5: boot animation has too many hydrogen
atoms ;) ;)

Note: This list won't be very exhaustive since it is the first release
in the dx3 series.

===Known Issues===

* Accessibility won't work very well since its supporting packages
weren't included in this build. This will be fixed in alpha-2.
* Collaboration is somewhat broken (See 11.2.0 release notes for a more
detailed explanation).
* Backup restore functionality doesn't work as the required packages
aren't included yet.

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Dextrose/3/FeatureFreeze
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Dextrose/3/Roadmap
[3] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Dextrose/3/SugarVersion
[4] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_notes/11.2.0

- -- 
Anish Mangal
Dextrose Project Manager
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