If you drag-drop Browse 131.xo to an XO-1 on os833 (sugar 0.94) you will find that browse will not start and you cannot erase it (greyed out option). Effectively you have lost your Browser. (browse 131 and 130 are not compatible uses gtk +3**)

There will be a lot of releases of new activities using gtk +3 . This tecnique may be a way to revert the critical applications where erase is greyed out.

Be sure to visit [2] to see if the activity version is compatable first.

To Fix: Drag-drop Browse 127.xo [1] from a USB stick and click "OK" to install an older version. Then go to My Settings/Software update and click on Browse 129.1 and update it.
  [1]  http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/4024/browse-127.xo

Works and saves re-imaging the XO-1

Tom Gilliard
satellit_ on #sugar IRC

[1]  http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/4024/browse-127.xo
[2]  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/Activity_Matrix

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