Perhaps using pylons instead of sundials would convince the flat landers in 
your Facebook group of their misguided thinking.

I arrived at this link via the Pylon of the Month website:  It is the featured pylon for Oct. 2018.  So, 
perhaps a whole bunch of sundials laid along the tops of pylons would provide a 
convincing experiment if you insist on using sundials.
     cheers.....  Don Snyder

On 6/17/2019 8:04 AM, Dan-George Uza wrote:

In my country there is this growing Flat Earth movement akin to religious 
fundamentalism. No matter what you throw at them, they simply ignore it. There 
is even a big group on Facebook of about 5,000 users. I recently joined there 
for fun. First I thought they were joking, but everybody seems dead serious 
about it. I nearly got kicked out because my profile photo shows a large 
armillary sundial which they consider to be a globe.... So preposterous! :)

So I recently wondered: can a sundial can be used to prove the Earth is round? 
And what would be the simplest gnomonic proof for this?

Dan Uza



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