[[ with apologies for cross postings ]]

Dear fellow campaigners for AAL and IoT,

after the news distributed in the beginning of October <http://www.universaal.info/blog/post/4873/>, it's now time to share with you the achievement of a major milestone:

     *Legal documents for registering The uIC as a legal entity
     submitted on October 24th!*

   The complete news text is available online, along with the *
   Founders' Statement*,
   *Founders' General Assembly Protocol*, and
   *The uIC Statute*. <http://www.universaal.info/blog/post/4960/>

Upon the completion of the legal formalities at the Belgian Ministry of Justice – (likely around mid December) – the uIC Directorate appointed by the General Assembly will be able to initiate the official operation of the uIC and start the admission of members.

Stay in touch to become part of this ground-breaking initiative!

Best regards,

-- Saied Tazari
-- In the name of the uIC Directorate and the founder organizations

-- Saied Tazari
Mohammad-Reza (Saied) Tazari           >>  Seehttp://universaal.info/

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