> Published on Friday, June 17, 2011 by the Independent/UK
> Cheap Meat, MRSA and Deadly Greed
> If they aren't stopped soon, the WHO warns we are facing a 'doomsday
> scenario of a world without antibiotics'
> by Johann Hari
> snip

> As the scientists I've interviewed explain it, antibiotics do
> something simple. They kill, slow down or stall the growth of
> bacteria. They were one of the great advances of the 20th century,
> and they have saved millions of us. But they inherently contain a
> problem - one that was known about from very early on. They start an
> arms race. Use an antibiotic against bacteria, and it kills most of
> it - but it can also prompt the bacteria to evolve a tougher,
> stronger, meaner strain that can fight back. The bacteria is
> constantly mutating and dividing. The stronger the antibiotic, the
> stronger some bacteria will become to survive. It's Darwin dancing at
> super-speed.
If one goes to the feed stores here (Colorado, USA) and buys chick starter
feed it comes pre-loaded with antibiotics regardless if the chickens need
them or not.  The over use of such medicine is, as I'm sure everyone on this
list agrees, a nasty issue.

Though, I do take issue with how they describe the way bacteria "evolves."
 I find this a misuse (or rather overuse) of the term evolution.  A closer
term would be selective breeding where the bacteria that are naturally
stronger or resistant stay alive and their resistance
is selectively propagated.  I'm splitting hairs, I know, and I think stating
that we "prompt the bacteria to evolve" is a gross misrepresentation of the
underlying mechanisms.  Kind of like saying that every time you sand a piece
of wood you're really decomposing the surface.  I think it's important to
point these things out as the more accurate we are the more defensible our
arguments become.
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