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Today, here’s a look at a freshly completed residential complex in Hamburg,
Germany, where even Slimer would feel right at home. And while it may not
contain an ounce of ectoplasm, tiny photosynthetic organisms commonly
associated with pesky green
key to the zero-energy structure’s groundbreaking renewable energy systems.

As the world’s first building powered by algae, the 15-unit Bio Intelligent
Quotient (BIQ) House generates biomass and heat with the assistance of 129
integrated glass bioreactor panels (read: microalgae harvesters) measuring
.78 inches thick and covering approximately 2,150 square feet of the
four-story structure's southeast and southwest facing sides. Most
conveniently, the algae-cultivating bio-façade provides the building with
thermal insulation, shading from direct sunlight, and noise reduction in
addition to generating a ready-to-harvest source of biomass.

The project’s International Building Exhibition (IBA)
a comprehensive overview:

The algae flourish and multiply in a regular cycle until they can be
harvested. They are then separated from the rest of the algae and
transferred as a thick pulp to the technical room of the BIQ. The little
plants are then fermented in an external biogas plant, so that they can be
used again to generate biogas. Algae are particularly well suited for this,
as they produce up to five times as much biomass per hectare as terrestrial
plants and contain many oils that can be used for energy.

The BIQ has a holistic energy concept: it draws all of the energy needed to
generate electricity and heat from renewable sources — fossil fuels remain
untouched. It is able to generate energy using the algae biomass harvested
from its own façade. Moreover, the façade collects energy by absorbing the
light that is not used by the algae and generating heat, like in a solar
thermal unit, which is then either used directly for hot water and heating,
or can be cached in the ground using borehole heat exchangers — 80
metre-deep holes filled with brine. This remarkably sustainable energy
concept is therefore capable of creating a cycle of solar thermal energy,
geothermal energy, a condensing boiler, local heat, and the capture of
biomass using the bio-reactor façade.

Three years in the making, the $3.4 million euro pilot project — it was
designed and built for the IBA by the joint team of Austria-based
sustainable architecture firm Spitterwerks Architects, Colt
International, Strategic Science Consult, and global engineering
firm ARUP — will be used to test the feasibility of algae-cultivation as a
source of renewable energy for citybound buildings in the future.

Elaborates Jan Arup, a research leader for ARUP, in a news release issued
by the company:

Using bio-chemical processes in the façade of a building to create shade
and energy is a really innovative concept. It might well become a sustainable
energy production in urban areas, so it is great to see it being tested in
a real-life scenario.

Very cool. However,
up a good point: Despite the strategic orientation of the bioreactor
panels, Hamburg isn’t exactly known as the most sunshiny of
obviously, algae reproduces when presented with abundant bright sunshine.
The panels will be supplied with liquid nutrients and compressed CO2 via a
separate water circuit for optimum growing conditions but without the key
ingredient of photosynthesis, sunshine, BIQ's green shell may struggle in
the algae-production department during the winter months.

During the summer, however, when the sun is out in full-force, BIQ will no
doubt go into full “bloom” mode. As
the panels, acting as “massive, algae-driving transition lenses,” will grow
noticeably darker when filled with elevated levels of algae. In turn, the
interior of the building will be kept nice and cool. So much for window AC
units when you have bacteria-sized organisms multiplying on the side of
your building to help you beat the summertime heat, eh?

As for the balcony-blessed apartment units which each clock in beween 538
and 1,291 square feet:

Two of the total of fifteen apartments to be housed in the BIQ do not have
separate rooms, but rather enable the inhabitants to configure their living
arrangements 'on demand.' Depending on their needs, individual functions of
the apartment — bathroom, kitchen, sleeping area — can be swapped about or
combined to form a "neutral zone." In this way, the necessities of everyday
life determine the appearance of the apartment, and the versatile layout
can be adapted to suit the residents and their daily lives at any given

BIQ’s bio-façade system is due to go live later this month.
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