[BHP Billiton - coal producer - kicks in $20 million to buy some greenwashing credits for coal, presumably building on the questionable Boundary Dam project's 'carbon capture and storage' expertise. Given the taxpayers are in for considerably over a billion, that's well under 2%. Assuming that gets any traction on continuing to get a subsidized stream of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery and stalling off the elimination of coal-fired electricity generation in Saskatchewan in the face of Canada's COP21 commitments, a very good investment indeed.]

BHP Billiton puts up $20M for carbon capture research centre in Saskatchewan

By The Canadian Press February 5, 2016

REGINA - A multinational petroleum and mining company has invested $20 million to help establish a Saskatchewan-based centre to study carbon capture.

Dean Dalla Valle of BHP Billiton says the research facility in Regina will build impetus for carbon capture projects internationally.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall announced the centre last fall.

He says the technology is important because the world's fastest- growing countries still rely on coal.

It's hoped the new centre will attract governments, academia, industry and research organizations to study the technology.

SaskPower's $1.4-billion Boundary Dam facility integrates carbon capture and storage with a power station. [Actually, there is no long-term CO2 storage - it's a taxpayer-subsidized enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project.]

The government-owned utility has described Boundary Dam as the world's first complete large-scale carbon capture project.

Carbon capture technology has been criticized for its high cost and for not eliminating carbon emissions from power generation.
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