By Byron J. Richards, CCN 
May 30, 2007 
  The penalty in China is death, in America its business as usual. Zheng 
Xiaoyu, the former head of China’s FDA, was sentenced to death for accepting 
$832,000 in drug company bribes and for dereliction of duty. Like China, our 
country is in the middle of a drug and food safety crisis. Why is FDA 
Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach, M.D. getting a free pass? Why did the 
Senate just pass legislation (S.1082) that gives von Eschenbach significantly 
more power to do whatever he pleases? And exactly what is it that von 
Eschenbach is doing? 

The Next Vioxx 

On June 6, 2007, Henry Waxman (D-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on 
Oversight and Government Reform  
will haul in Andrew von Eschenbach to testify on why the FDA failed to warn 
Americans of the extreme cardiovascular danger and increased risk of death from 
taking Avandia, a 3 billion-a-year blockbuster diabetes drug made by 
GlaxoSmithKline. Statistics that were primarily obtained from 
GlaxoSmithKline’s own research data predict that 35,000 people needlessly 
died taking Avandia last year and the FDA was fully aware of the risks and 
chose to ignore them. In fact, the problem only came to public view because one 
independent researcher pursued the investigation and published his findings in 
the New England Journal of Medicine. This is the FDA’s job, why do we need 
citizen watchdogs to do the work instead? 

It is certain that during Von Eschenbach’s testimony he will speak out of 
both sides of his mouth and cover the FDA’s ineptitude and deceit. He is 
likely to blame a lack of FDA funding for the problems. In reality, the FDA is 
not at all as incompetent and under funded as they seem. The truth of the 
matter is that the FDA does exactly what they want. The FDA spends its time, 
energy, and money on management’s priorities. 

It is hard for some to grasp that safety of drugs or safety of the food supply 
is not the top FDA management priority. In the case of Avandia, Americans are 
being needlessly killed as a result of FDA management decisions. These 
decisions preserve the profits of drug companies and further the myth that 
drugs are the answer to our health problems. Do not be misled, FDA actions are 

The timing couldn’t be worse for the FDA as Waxman is preparing the House 
version (HR.1561) of the recently passed Senate drug safety bill (S.1082). The 
Senate version is a fake safety bill paid for by Big Pharma. Will the House 
follow along or will they put some real teeth in the legislation? 

How Does One Define Dereliction of Duty? 

The dictionary defines it as a deliberate neglect of duty or obligations. 
Certainly, Avandia is a case in point. However, Avandia problems are the tip of 
the FDA iceberg. Anyone caring to look will find a rabbit hole so deep and so 
full of stench that it is virtually impossible to comprehend. The story is so 
bad that it falls into the category of not believable. Under the leadership of 
Andrew von Eschenbach collusion with the industries the FDA is supposed to 
regulate has reached an all time high. This reckless behavior has resulted in 
deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of Americans, all for the profit 
of drug companies at the expense of human health. 

A case in point is the antibiotic Ketek, which the FDA approved for broad 
applications KNOWING it was going to injure children. Von Eschenbach even 
threatened FDA scientists who didn’t see the Ketek issue his way. Then there 
is the case of the atypical antipsychotic Zyprexa, which the FDA approved for 
use in adult schizophrenics even though the FDA knew the drug caused obesity 
and diabetes. The FDA sits around allowing billions of dollars of this drug 
(mostly at taxpayer expense) to be given to children for mild behavioral 
issues, an unapproved use that leads to extremely poor health and disease. Then 
there is the Trasylol scandal, a very expensive cardiovascular bypass drug that 
needlessly sentences 15,000 Americans per year to premature death within the 
next 5 years. When Bayer was caught directly lying to the FDA regarding 
Trasylol’s dangers, von Eschenbach deflected legal liability   for Bayer by doing virtually
 nothing and leaving the drug on the market. These are just a few examples, 
there are unfortunately many more. 

The common theme is that FDA management intentionally hides risks of drugs so 
that drug companies can turn them into blockbusters, oftentimes selling them in 
ways that were never approved in the first place. As chilling safety problems 
are reported to the FDA the organization fails to act, partly so it won’t 
look bad for approving the drugs in the first place, partly to preserve 
billions in profit for various companies, and partly because FDA management 
employees are often eyeing high-paying jobs in the industry that is being 
regulated. It is not that the FDA is incompetent. In fact, FDA scientists 
routinely warn management of the problems. Management intentionally does not 
act in a way that protects American consumers. In virtually all cases the 
economic situation of drug companies is placed ahead of human health and 
safety. In my way of looking at the world this is dereliction of duty. 

This is as true of drugs as it is of our massively adulterated food supply 
(genetically modified foods, viral cocktails approved as food additives, 
chemicals allowed on food, chemicals allowed as flavoring agents or sweeteners, 
etc.). The FDA has no way to trace the toxicity of genetically modified food 
and actively prevents labels that would tell consumers they are even eating the 
garbage, which now permeates the packaged foods on grocery store shelves. At 
the same time the FDA actively works to suppress information about natural ways 
to improve health. All of these FDA actions are intentional. 

China gives the death sentence for dereliction of duty. In America we conduct 
hearings (sometimes) and then do nothing. Big Pharma and Big Biotech own the 
FDA, the White House, and much of Congress. 

The FDA’s Real Priority 

Andrew von Eschenbach has never hidden his agenda; it is more an issue that 
people simply aren’t paying attention. The top priority of the FDA is now the 
von Eschenbach dream, which is to bring new biotech drugs to the market with 
far less safety or effectiveness testing and then conduct experiments on 
individuals as the drugs are used in clinical practice. This effort is called 
the Critical Path Initiative and it will take a giant step forward should the 
Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA come into existence as proposed in Senate 
bill S.1082. Von Eschenbach has stated that this is the very top priority of 
the FDA for many years to come (not food or drug safety). 

Von Eschenbach is an oncologist who wants to create a cancer sickness industry 
wherein nobody is cured; they are simply managed indefinitely on super 
expensive medications. Von Eschenbach has led this effort for many years as a 
key figure in the elder Bush’s C-Change, a group facilitating the development 
of Big Biotech drugs for highly profitable cancer “treatment.” 

Andrew von Eschenbach took the top job at the National Cancer Institute to 
forward this agenda. As its head he diverted billions of dollars of research 
funding into C-Change companies and away from fundamental cancer research, a 
shocking travesty. Even more appalling is that Tommy Thompson, then head of the 
Department of Health and Human Services, approved a waiver,901522&P=article
 allowing von Eschenbach to remain on at C-Change while he headed the National 
Cancer Institute. This is one of the most dramatic conflicts of interest 
imaginable, setting back vital cancer research at least a decade. 

Tommy Thompson, like so many government officials, has moved on and now helps 
Verichip  sell implantable 
RFID chips. In October of 2006 Von Eschenbach was appointed to head the FDA, 
and for a while he held all three spots (C-Change, head of NCI, and head of 
FDA). In the recent Lame Duck session von Eschenbach was made permanent head of 
the FDA. No questions were asked of his extensive connections to the Biotech 

It should come as no surprise that von Eschenbach wants to make the FDA part of 
the drug development business    , including licensing and 
marketing rights for the drugs the FDA helps develop with its sophisticated 
software. Is it possible to imagine a greater conflict of interest? We are not 
talking about a paltry $780,000 worth of conflict of interest, we are talking 
tens of billions. Do you think for a moment the FDA will ever remove one of its 
own drugs from the market or paint a clear picture of its true risks? 

A Time for Action 

Senate bill S.1082 and House bill HR.1561 will turn into some type of new and 
sweeping FDA “reform” before Big Pharma’s funding of the FDA expires on 
September 30 of this year. The big question is what will be in the legislation. 
So far, Big Pharma was able to buy enough Senator’s votes to neutralize any 
meaningful reform. The Avandia scandal is likely to make matters worse for the 
FDA as the House considers its version of this legislation after the Memorial 
Day recess. 

  Buried within this legislation is an FDA sneak attack on dietary supplements. 
Dietary supplements are routinely targeted by the FDA as they offer true 
competition, both safe and effective, to drugs. The FDA acts as a police-force 
bully to help stamp out Big Pharma competition and keep Americans in the dark 
on natural ways to prevent and treat disease. Bill S.1082 allows the FDA to 
apply drug-related risk benefit analysis to the safety of food and dietary 
supplements and remove commonly used products from the market at their whim. 
This must be stopped. 
A take action letter can be found by clicking here. 
  At least one hundred thousand people needlessly die per year at the hands of 
Big Pharma drugs. Several million are injured so seriously they have to go to 
the hospital – and unfortunately many are injured while at the hospital. The 
FDA actively and intentionally withholds from doctors and patients the true 
risk profile of many drugs despite the desperate warnings of its own safety 
scientists and independent experts. There is no question that FDA top 
management suffers serious dereliction of duty. Should we follow the lead of 
the Chinese? Maybe then drug safety and food safety would improve. 

© 2007 Truth in Wellness, LLC - All Rights Reserved 

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