Challenge to farmers: Use more biodiesel



I was happy to see the recent Iowa Department of Revenue report that shows biofuels on the rise among petroleum distributors. However, as a farmer, I am disappointed the same report found just 30 percent of on-farm diesel distributors carried biodiesel blends last year.

I’m proud to use biodiesel on my farm. I’ve used it for five years and usually run a 5 to 20 percent blend depending on availability.

Using biodiesel is an opportunity for soybean farmers to further our soybean industry, advancing the market and increasing profits.

Recent infrastructure upgrades, including the opening of Magellan Pipeline Co.’s biodiesel distribution facilities in Des Moines and Clear Lake, open the door to greater availability for everyone. Plus state and federal policy make biodiesel extremely cost-competitive.

Our state produces more biodiesel than any other, according to the Iowa Biodiesel Board. We should also be a leader in using biodiesel. If farmers don’t, it’s akin to a fisherman not eating fish.

This spring, I challenge my fellow farmers to ask for and use biodiesel.
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