Well, I did a little searching on an organic brand that we've been buying
recently because it is the only "organic" food available in the stores nearby.
("O Organics" in Safeway, distributed through Omnibrands Inc.)

The prevailing logic from our consumer training is to support organic products
by buying them even if they are a little more expensive (justifiably?) in the
hope that the increased demand will encourage more products to be available.

But voting with your wallet doesn't really work when the money is just going to
the same big players and in fact may be supporting the lowering of standards.

The ideal solution is to buy local organic produce from small farms. And when
there are no local organic producers I suppose it is better to order something
over the internet from a small farm in another state rather than buy the big
brand at the store.

Actually the best solution is to grow/raise your own, which thankfully, we are
finally in the position to do, but it takes time.


Phil Howard, post doctoral researcher from The Center for Agroecology &
Sustainable Food Systems
reveals the corporate players in the organic marketplace:

Organic Food Goes Mainstream



I had a feeling 'O' was a Safeway brand and what most of us don't know or
remember is that Safeway was at the forefront of lowering organic standards. In
addition, shopping at the big markets does not support local farmers. I hope
folks can spread the word about this and maybe take the time to do more
research than I can at this time.

Here is a good article on what's wrong with BIG company organic:



Posted by: Fresh | January 30, 2006 11:29 PM

Do your homework, folks. Already 2 products from the O Organic line have been
withdrawn because the alleged certification had not really been granted. Check
the labels. Where is it produced? In countries that have no certification
procedures and then brought in wholesale to this country? What are you feeding
your babies? Is it indeed organic? Says who? Do your homework. Blind trust can
be a dangerous thing.

Posted by: Wide Awake | February 16, 2006 10:07 PM


The O Word
Kristie and Rick Knoll were early pioneers of organic farming. So why are they
now rebelling against organic?
By Will Harper
Article Published Jan 5, 2005

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