WHERE: SCI-Arc, 960 E. Third St, Los Angeles
WHEN: Saturday, January 29, 2005, 12-5pm
COST: $5 donation
CONTACT: Matthew Ruscigno, 323-992-8598, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Workshop to Teach How to Run a Car on Vegetable Oil

Los Angeles- When you have a passion anything is possible. That may
partly explain how some environmentalists in Los Angeles have found a
way to run motor vehicles on used vegetable oil. Impossible you say?
On Saturday, January 29th there will be an open workshop at The
California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) where David Rosenstraus
will demonstrate the installation of the kit to run diesel vehicles on
used vegetable oil.

David Rosenstraus, an active musician, has always felt uneasy about
amount of fossil fuels his tour van consumes. He heard about the
conversion and taught himself how to install the kit. Now his tour van
and his Volkswagen Jetta run on used vegetable oil from the Chinese
restaurant across the street. 'It is amazing. I do not pay a cent for
the oil and my car has the acceleration and performance it had when I
was using diesel. When these engines were invented vegetable oil was
the original fuel source,' says David.

The workshop will run from 12 to 5 PM and includes a presentation and
live demonstration on the conversion. SCI-Arc is located at 960 E.
Third St in downtown Los Angeles. Organizers are asking for a 5 dollar
donation To cover costs.

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