Solar Cell Doubles as Battery

Solar Cell Doubles as Battery 

November 29, 2004

A practical solar energy system usually includes
 solar cells that convert light to electricity 
and batteries that store the energy for later use. 

Scientists from Toin University of Yokohama in 
Japan have designed a single, compact device that
 can both convert solar energy to electricity and
 store the electricity. "We succeeded in incorporating
 both photovoltaic and storage functions in a single
 cell with a thin, sandwich-type structure," said 
Tsutomu Miyasaka, a researcher at the University.

The researchers' photocapacitor is also efficient
 at capturing energy from weak light sources like
 sunlight on cloudy or rainy days and indoor lighting.

The light-driven, self-charging capacitor could 
eventually be used to power portable electronic
 devices like phones, cameras, and PDAs, said Miyasaka.
 "Users can just bring the device anywhere and expose 
it to indoor and outdoor ambient light whether they
 need power or not [then] release the stored electricity
 anytime they want," he said. 

Solar cells convert light to electricity by absorbing
 photons and using their energy to move electrons. 
There are two basic types of solar cells. Conventional
 cells are solid-state devices usually made from 
silicon. It is also possible to capture the energy
 from photons using dye molecules. 

The researchers' device is an electro-chemical cell
 made up of a pair of electrodes sandwiching a liquid
 electrolyte. The electrolyte contains a high concentration
 of ions, or atoms that carry a charge because they have
 gained or lost an electron. The electrodes are glass
 plates with metal coatings on the inside surfaces.
 The top electrode sports a film of titanium dioxide
 semiconductor nanoparticles that has pores 15 to 30 
nanometers in diameter and contains ruthenium dye 
molecules. Both electrodes have porous inner layers
 of carbon particles that are about 5,000 nanometers
 in diameter, which is about the size of a red blood
 cell. The carbon layers encase the electrolyte. 

Dye-based solar cells use dye molecules to absorb 
photons, which causes negatively-charge electrons 
and positively-charged holes to separate in the 
semiconductor layer. The researchers' photocapacitor
 transfers these charges to the carbon layers. 

The electrons travel toward the bottom electrode,
 where they accumulate on the carbon surface near
 the electrolyte. A chemical reaction that restores
 the electrical balance of the dye also makes holes
 accumulate on the carbon surface of the top electrode.
 "Electrons and holes generated by light-excited organic
 dye can be directly accumulated on the large surface
 area of the carbon layer," said Miyasaka. 

There are three types of silicon solar cells: those
 made from pure silicon, which are the most expensive
 and most efficient, those made from amorphous silicon,
 which are fairly cheap and one-quarter to one-half as
 efficient, and those made from polysilicon, which lie
 between pure silicon and amorphous silicon in expense
 and efficiency. 

Silicon solar cells reflect rather than absorb light 
that hits the silicon surface at angles greater than 
40 degrees. Although the researchers' device is less
 efficient in direct sunlight than silicon, it absorbs
 light that hits the surface at a much broader angle, 
making it able to absorb diffuse light. This allows it
 to harvest photons in the morning, in the evening 
evening, on cloudy days, and from indoor lighting. 

"While the experimentally measured highest efficiency 
is higher for silicon-based cells, the... practical
 efficiency of the cell [is]comparable with the amorphous
 silicon cell or surpass it," Miyasaka. 

The cells can also be connected to form larger, more 
powerful cells. Conventional capacitors that are charged
 using electricity can produce a voltage that is no greater
 than the input, or charging voltage, of one of the cells
 in a connected series. In contrast, the photocapacitor,
 like conventional batteries, can produce voltage equivalent
 to the collective input of photocapacitors connected in
 series. The researchers' prototype produces 0.7 volts.
 Connecting 18 cells would yield 12 volts, which is the 
output of a car battery, said Miyasaka.

The thickness of the photocapacitor depends on the thickness
 of the electrodes, and could be made narrower than one 
millimeter, said Miyasaka.

The device could be used in practical applications in two
 years, said Miyasaka. The researchers are working on 
boosting the cell's capacity and making a flexible, 
lightweight plastic version of the device, he said.

Miyasaka's research colleague was Takurou N. Murakami. 
The work appeared in the October 25, 2004 issue of Applied
 Physics Letters. The research was funded by the Japanese
 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and 

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