- 8/17/2001 -
In unison governors call for energy conservation

Friday, August 17, 2001

By Environmental News Network

Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack chairs the NGA Natural Resources Committee.

The governors of the 50 states, 3 territories, and 2 commonwealths 
have adopted a comprehensive national energy policy emphasizing 

At the closing session of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the National 
Governors Association last week in Providence, R.I., the governors 
sent a message to the White House that state and local authorities 
must have input into the nation's energy plans.

"The policy sends a clear message that solving our nation's energy 
problems demand more conservation, especially utilizing renewable 
fuels like ethanol," said Iowa Gov. Thomas Vilsack, chairman of the 
association's Committee on Natural Resources.

Ensuring "environmental quality" comes second in the list of 10 
principles embodied in the governors' energy plan. Number one is 
"adequate, affordable energy supplies and services."

"Our goal should always be to assure American families and businesses 
their energy prices will be stable," Vilsack said.

The new policy is in direct response to the Bush administration's 
National Energy Policy issued in May, which emphasizes fossil fuel 
and nuclear power development and consumption, although some 
conservation and renewables-friendly measures are included.

The governors' policy recognizes that periodic shortages in oil, gas, 
and electricity can cause hardship for consumers and businesses. 
Also, these energy and environmental challenges facing the United 
States could harm the economy and reduce national security.

"The United States' dependence on foreign sources of oil is at an 
all-time high while demand for energy continues to rise," said 
Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, vice chairman of the Committee on 
Natural Resources and past Chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas 
Compact Commission.

In a bid to secure seats for the governors at the the national energy 
strategy table, Keating said, "Energy issues must be addressed 
nationally, but state and local authority over energy and 
environmental matters also needs to be maintained. It would be a 
mistake to develop a national energy policy without full cooperation 
and partnership with the states and their governors."

In his speech accepting the NGA chairmanship for the next year, 
Michigan Gov. John Engler pledged to make the association "a unified 
voice for bold action that will return power and authority to the 
states and local government."

Although energy efficiency is projected to continue to improve, both 
the governors' policy and that of the Bush administration recognize 
that demand for energy continues to grow. "Even with more 
conservation, innovation, and new technology," the governors' 
resolution states, "the United States will need more energy supplies."

"We must expand and upgrade the transmission networks to move energy 
from the source to the consumer," said North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven. 
"Improving energy transmission will impact conservation, efficiency, 
and supply."

Hoeven urged the Environmental Protection Agency to provide 
flexibility in meeting standards and requirements to encourage use of 
"innovative strategies in providing energy solutions."

The National Governors Association, founded in 1908, is the body 
through which the nation's governors collectively influence the 
development and implementation of national policy and confer on 
direction of state issues.

Copyright 2001, Environmental News Network

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