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The Coming Water Crisis

Sat Aug 3,12:46 PM ET


The tap water was so dark in Atlanta some days this summer that Meg 
Evans couldn't see the bottom of the tub when she filled the bath. 
Elsewhere in her neighborhood, Gregg Goldenberg puts his infant 
daughter, Kasey, to bed unbathed rather than lower her into a brew 
"the color of iced tea." Tom Crowley is gratified that the Publix 
supermarket seems to be keeping extra bottled water on hand; his 
housekeeper frequently leaves notes saying, "Don't drink from the 
faucet today." All try to keep tuned to local radio, TV, or the 
neighborhood Web site to catch "boil water" advisories, four of which 
have been issued in the city since May to protect against pathogens. 
"We've gotten to the point where I'm thinking this is just normal," 
Evans says. "It's normal to wake up and take a bath in dirty water."

In a nation where abundant, clear, and cheap drinking water has been 
taken for granted for generations, it is hard to imagine residents of 
a major city adjusting to life without it. But Atlanta's water woes 
won't seem so unusual in the years ahead. Across the country, 
long-neglected mains and pipes, many more than a century old, are 
reaching the end of their life span. When pipes fail, pressure drops 
and sucks dirt, debris, and often bacteria and other pathogens into 
the huge underground arteries that deliver water. Officials handle 
each isolated incident by flushing out contaminants and upping the 
chlorine dose (Atlanta says its water meets health standards despite 
its sometimes unappetizing appearance), but no one sees this as a 
long-term solution. America's aging water infrastructure needs huge 
new investment, and soon.

Decayed pipes alone would be a serious challenge. Now, add these: 
Providing water free of disease and toxins is ever more difficult, as 
old methods prove inadequate and new hazards emerge. Shortages have 
become endemic to many regions, as record drought and population 
sprawl sap rivers and aquifers. Then there's the threat, unthinkable 
a year ago, that now seems to trump all others: terrorism. Put it all 
together, and it's easy to see why concern over clean drinking water 
might someday make the energy crisis look like small potatoes.

"The idea of water as an economic and social good, and who controls 
this water, and whether it is clean enough to drink, are going to be 
major issues in the country," says economist Gary Wolff, at Oakland's 
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and 
Security. In March, Environmental Protection Agency ( news - web 
sites) Administrator Christie Whitman called water quantity and 
quality "the biggest environmental issue that we face in the 21st 

Water providers say that Americans can still trust the product on 
tap. "People should feel good about their water. Water is safe and 
we're working hard to keep it that way," says Thomas Curtis, deputy 
executive director of the American Water Works Association. But the 
Natural Resources Defense Council's Erik Olson detects a 
"schizophrenic" element in industry assurances. "They say we need 

of billions of dollars to fix the system, but when people ask, 'Is 
there a public-health issue?' they say, 'No, no.' But clearly, 
there's a public-health problem."

Both the sanguine and the worried agree on one thing: High costs will 
force the nation's water delivery system to evolve into something 
quite different. Citizens will be asked to pay more and use less. And 
big business, still a minor player in this country's water scene, is 
seeking a leading role. Private industry promises needed new capital 
and greater efficiency, but the jury is still out on whether it can 
deliver. Witness, for instance, the plight of Atlanta, which in 1999 
became the largest U.S. city to privatize its water system. Already 
the city is weighing whether to nullify its 20-year contract with 
United Water, a subsidiary of the French company Suez.

Buried troubles. For now, issues of ownership, infrastructure, and 
health have been back-burnered while governments grapple with the 
threat of water system terrorism (box, Page 25). Terrorism, however, 
cannot long postpone action on the fissures spreading in the 700,000 
miles of pipes that deliver water to U.S. homes and businesses. Three 
generations of water mains are at risk: cast-iron pipe of the 1880s, 
thinner conduits of the 1920s, and even less sturdy post-World War II 
tubes. While refusing to call it a crisis, Curtis says, "We are at 
the dawn of an era where utilities will need to make significant 
investments in rebuilding, repairing, or replacing their underground 
assets." Cost estimates range from EPA's $151 billion figure to a $1 
trillion tally by a coalition of water industry, engineering, and 
environmental groups. The AWWA projects costs as high as $6,900 per 
household in some small towns.

Health is at risk if nothing is done. Already, water mains break 
237,600 times each year in the United States. An industry study last 
year found pathogens and "fecal indicator" bacteria at significant 
levels in soil and trench water at repair sites. Of the 619 
waterborne disease outbreaks the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention ( news - web sites) tracked between 1971 and 1998, 18 
percent were due to germs in the distribution system. Researchers 
also question whether Americans are getting sick from their drinking 
water far more often than is recognized. "Is this happening below the 
radar screen, with low-level [gastrointestinal] things, where people 
will stay home from work, or be miserable at work, and not ever go to 
the doctor?" asks Jack Colford of the University of 
California-Berkeley. He is leading a major EPA-CDC-funded study 
comparing disease rates between participants who drink tap water 
through a sophisticated filter and those using a fake look-alike 
filter. Harvard researchers reported in 1997 that emergency-room 
visits for gastrointestinal illness rose after spikes in dirt levels 
that still remained well within federal standards.

Quality concerns. Just keeping up with federal regulations is 
increasingly difficult. The next five years will see more new rules 
than have been adopted in all the years since enactment of the Safe 
Drinking Water Act in 1974. Environmental advocates blame the logjam 
on delays in addressing many health hazards. The arsenic standard, 
which produced an uproar early in the Bush administration, was years 
in the making. The EPA ultimately approved the same standard 
President Bill Clinton chose in his last days in office--reducing the 
arsenic limit from 50 to 10 parts per billion. The change of heart 
coincided with a National Academy of Sciences ( news - web sites) 
report, released to little notice the week of September 11. It 
indicated that even the Clinton standard was weak: As little as 3 ppb 
arsenic carries a far higher bladder and lung cancer risk than do 
other substances EPA regulates.

New science has also undermined confidence in older methods of 
purify- ing water. Chlorination has been one of the 20th century's 
great public-health achievements, smiting the deadliest waterborne 
diseases, cholera and typhoid. But this sword has developed a double 
edge. Nearly 200 women in Chesapeake, Va., sued their water system, 
claiming that miscarriages they suffered in the 1980s and 1990s are 
traceable to trihalomethanes, chemicals produced when chlorine 
reacted with their region's murky river water. While pregnancy-risk 
research is hotly debated, the EPA decided that cancer risk from 
chlorine by-products is high enough that it ordered water system 
reductions earlier this year. Localities have already spent millions 
of dollars converting to another disinfectant, chloramine (a chlorine 
and ammonia mix), which curbs some byproducts.

Cities and towns are finding that they must deal with new science on 
contaminants at a much faster pace than the EPA can regulate them. 
This summer, Bourne, Mass., the southern gateway to Cape Cod, had to 
close three of its six drinking water wells, having discovered they 
were contaminated with perchlorate, a rocket fuel component that 
leaked from a nearby military reservation. Across the country, the 
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, serving 17 
million people, announced in April that its new treatment system 
"will remove a large portion of perchlorate" leaking into a major 
regional reservoir, Lake Mead. But U.S. News has obtained material 
distributed at a June 11 MWD board meeting showing the treatment was 
not working as hoped.

The EPA is still studying possible drinking water limits for 
perchlorate as well as for MTBE, a gasoline additive meant to reduce 
air pollution that proved to be a frighteningly efficient groundwater 
pollutant. (South Tahoe and Santa Monica, Calif., last month obtained 
big settlements from oil and chemical companies to help restore 
MTBE-poisoned water supplies.) And in April, a U.S. Geological Survey 
( news - web sites) report revealed that streams nationwide are laced 
with prescription and over-the-counter drugs and even caffeine.

Pollution is shrinking water supplies for communities at the same 
time that burgeoning population and weather are causing severe 
shortages. Norman, Okla., with 95,700 people the largest system 
currently afoul of arsenic standards, very likely will shut down some 
wells even though it expects average daily water demand to more than 
double in the next 40 years. "We don't want to be a poster child" for 
arsenic contamination, says utilities director Brad Gambill. This 
summer, more than 40 percent of the nation--over twice the normal 
rate--has suffered drought conditions. "Normally, we get tons of 
flowers, but now we have nothing growing," says Donna Charpied, a 
farmer in Riverside County, Calif., pointing to withered plants on 
her small homestead. Some ecologists believe global warming ( news - 
web sites) will make drought the norm in much of the West. Drought 
breeds anger: The CIA ( news - web sites) predicts that by 2015, 
drinking-water access could be a major source of world conflict.

Some cities have already instituted drastic conservation programs. 
Santa Fe has restricted lawn watering, leading New Mexicans to 
decorate yards with spray-painted artificial flowers. In parched 
Denver, a conservation campaign encourages residents to shower in 
groups. Omaha has an odd-even residential address lawn-watering 

One spring Satur- day morning this April, Chuck Maurer of San Antonio 
realized while brushing his teeth that he and his neighbors had 
become victims of a water conservation program gone awry. "It was 
grotesque," he recalls. "The water was brown in color and cloudy with 
particulates, and a really bad odor. It was sewer water." Precisely. 
The San Antonio Water System had accidentally cross-connected his 
neighborhood's drinking water lines with pipes delivering treated 
sewage water to a public golf course. Watering fairways and greens 
with "reclaimed water" has become popular in water-short tourist 
areas, especially Florida. But experts say such systems require extra 
care to keep sewage from entering potable systems.

Big business to the rescue. With immense challenges ahead, U.S. 
drinking water systems are considering something never tried here on 
a large scale: privatization. In March, Indianapolis announced a $1.5 
billion agreement with USFilter, the largest U.S. privatization to 
date, and in May, San Jose, Calif., voted to consider privatizing. 
Private firms helped supply water to Boston as early as 1796, and 
utilities have long hired outside contractors to build, but not 
operate, plants and distribution systems. But over the past five 
years, an IRS ruling that helped firms obtain longer-term tax-free 
water contracts, combined with politicians' push for deregulation and 
municipal-system breakdowns, opened the door for firms to actually 
manage systems. Only 15 percent of utilities are investor-owned, but 
in recent years, a handful of big water corporations, mostly foreign 
owned, have moved onto the U.S. scene: from France, Suez and the 
media-water conglomerate, Vivendi; from Germany, the utility RWE. 
(One domestic player with giant ambitions was Enron's water 
subsidiary, Azurix, which had touted a plan to plumb the Everglades 
and manage the water.)

Congress is considering hiking federal funding for infrastructure, 
but the Bush administration encourages the privatization trend, 
saying that water systems cannot expect to get all the dollars they 
need from Washington. Says G. Tracy Mehan, EPA assistant 
administrator for water: "I think the needs are so great especially 
when you see the demands of homeland security and the federal budget. 
Private capital is one of several options that are going to have to 
be considered much more than they have been."

One private-sector success story is Leominster, Mass., a town of 
40,000, which signed a 20-year deal with USFilter in 1996. Before 
then, "our treatment plant was totally corroded. We fixed leaks by 
putting out old coffee cans to catch the water," says Mayor Dean 
Mazzarella. USFilter saved the city money it then used to upgrade a 
60-year-old filtration plant that was "held together by wire and 
chewing gum," says city environmental inspector Matthew Marro.

Experience in other countries suggests that privatization can, 
indeed, pour needed capital into drinking water. Investment in the 
United Kingdom increased more than 80 percent after it turned to 
total privatization. "Public-private partnerships are going to sweep 
the U.S," says Andrew Seidel, president of USFilter. "The country has 
50,000 different water systems, and those will consolidate into 
bigger systems aligned with private companies and able to handle the 
growing number of water-treatment issues."

But in Atlanta, the experience has not been so positive. This summer, 
Mayor Shirley Franklin sent a formal notice to United Water that the 
city was dissatisfied with its performance under the 20-year contract 
signed with the city's previous administration. Problems cited by 
Franklin included the firm's staffing levels, bill collection, and 
meter installation. Atlanta had hoped to halve the $49 million annual 
cost of running its water system by privatizing; one city official 
says savings are less than $3 million. "You have to keep in mind that 
a public-private partnership is an ongoing dialogue between the 
customer and its private partner," says United Water spokesman Rich 
Henning. "We certainly have struggled. But within the last six to 
nine months we have dedicated more resources, and we've been 
listening more to the client." He calculates Atlanta's savings to be 
about $15 million a year but says the city should be using that money 
to address the infrastructure problems that United Water inherited.

Gordon Certain, president of the civic association of North Buckhead, 
the neighborhood hardest hit with water-quality problems, says United 
Water is unresponsive to complaints. "They're acting kind of like 
they have a 20-year contract," he says, wryly. (Of course, they do.) 
The company's response to complaints has ranged "from polite to 
totally inappropriate," he says. "They told one woman who wanted her 
water tested that she should get it tested herself." But resident 
Jacques Davignon thinks privatization "has only made the 
finger-pointing much more complex." He says the company and the city 
should share responsibility. "Let's not get on TV and beat United 
Water up," he says. "Let's do a little forward thinking, come up with 
a strategic plan."

Private enterprise also has rushed in with water-shortage solutions. 
The agribusiness firm Cadiz Inc. wants to store water in the barren 
Mojave Desert, where tidal waves of dust sweep across salt-rimmed dry 
lakes. The water, taken from the Colorado River and from an 
indigenous underground aquifer, would flow to thirsty Los Angeles 
during droughts. "Storing and selling aquifer water will be the key 
to California's future," says Mark Liggett, Cadiz's senior vice 

Jim AndrŽ, a desert biologist working in the Mojave, says Cadiz has 
no impartial scientific study of the potential impact. Environmental 
groups warn that drawing groundwater from the Mojave will create a 
dust bowl similar to California's Owens Lake region, a water grab 
that inspired the film Chinatown. But Cadiz says it has a monitoring 
system to prevent overpumping. "We have solicited tons of input from 
all groups for our environmental assessment," Liggett says.

Creative solutions. Other ideas seem somewhat fanciful. Ric Davidge, 
a former Reagan administration official, wants to siphon 10 billion 
gallons of water each winter from northern California rivers, pump it 
into 850-foot-long plastic bladders, and ship it downstate. Other 
entrepreneurs suggest melting Alaska icebergs. Oilman T. Boone 
Pickens hopes to pipeline water from Texas's Ogallala aquifer to 
water-short cities like San Antonio and Dallas.

Privatization projects are also dogged by accountability concerns. 
Industry sources worry that the terrorism vulnerability assessments 
U.S. water systems are developing will wind up in corporate parent 
offices overseas, possibly unprotected from disclosure. In New 
Orleans, an official highly familiar with its water system told U.S 
News that the Big Easy's move toward privatization lacks oversight. 
"The whole approach to having companies bid for the water system was 
'public, catch us if you can,' since after bids were taken the public 
had only 10 days to examine the proposals," she says.

Privatization worries have even made it to Broadway: In the comedy 
Urinetown, a firm privatizes toilets and raises toilet fees. 
Residents caught urinating in other places are arrested. "With 
private control, who guarantees that the less well off will get 
affordable water, and who picks up the cost if the private company 
fails?" asks Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy 
Project, a research institute in Amherst, Mass.

Progress report. Indeed, the financial viability of some leading 
water companies has been called into question recently. Cadiz lost 
$2.5 million in the most recent quarter; the firm recently tried to 
reduce its debt through a deal with Saudi Prince Al Waleed ibn Talal, 
but in July the effort collapsed. Suez's water arm saw revenues grow 
by just 1 percent. Vivendi, though experiencing revenue growth of 12 
percent, made major missteps in its media division that have left it 
laden with debt and is divesting its stake in one water investment, 
Philadelphia Suburban.

Nor have private companies, by and large, delivered savings to 
consumers. In fact, most private water providers surveyed by U.S. 
News charged higher-than-average rates (table). George Raftelis, a 
Charlotte, N.C., industry consultant, points out that unlike public 
utilities, private firms do not enjoy tax-exempt financing, are 
subject to income taxes, and must return profits to shareholders. 
Moreover, "privatization does not equal competition," says Janice 
Beecher, director of the Institute of Public Utilities at Michigan 
State University. "After bidding, you're transferring the monopoly 
powers of a public utility to a private company." She suggests cities 
and towns award shorter contracts and make public utilities and 
private firms compete.

Citizen outcry over the water rates private firms charge has boiled 
over into riots in countries such as Bolivia. But so far in the 
United States disputes have been hashed out in the political process. 
Peoria and Pekin, Ill., both are moving to deprivatize their water 
systems, having determined that if private ownership continued, 
future rate increases would be as much as 60 percent higher than if 
the systems were publicly run. Because other communities have done 
the same, Curtis of AWWA does not see a mass movement to privatize: 
"Some are looking at it, and some are trying to move in the other 

But the harsh reality is that the price of drinking water will most 
likely rise whether private industry or government manages the 
system. The EPA estimates that the water bill consumes only seven 
tenths of 1 percent of U.S. household median income; Americans spend 
more than triple that on bottled water and filters. A recent Harvard 
School of Public Health analysis pointed out that rates in many 
developed countries are significantly higher. "[W]ater rates have 
been insufficient to cover long-run costs," such as maintenance of 
pipes and plants, let alone larger issues such as preserving clean 
rivers and surrounding watershed, the report said.

"People think water is free because it falls from the sky," says 
Seidel of USFilter. "Well, it is--but treated, filtered, and piped 
water isn't." Privatization advocates contend that only 
market-oriented pricing can force H2O-hogging Americans to conserve. 
"Unless you put a market-determined price on something, it is not 
respected," says Clay Landry, a research associate at Bozeman, 
Mont.'s Political Economy Research Center. "Right now, who even 
thinks about the cost of water coming out of their tap?"

But public officials are loath to hike rates for fear of burdening 
lower-income families. That's certainly a problem in big cities, but 
even more so in small towns, where, lacking economies of scale, water 
treatment and distribution is more expensive. Consultant Raftelis 
found that water bills in small systems average 25 percent higher 
than in large ones he has surveyed. The new arsenic rule is projected 
to cost households under $1 annually in the largest systems but over 
$300 in those serving fewer than 100 customers.

Economist Wallace Oates of the think tank Resources for the Future 
says arsenic's economic realities make a case for abandoning national 
standards and letting localities weigh costs and benefits on their 
own. Congress and the EPA already let small water systems operate 
with less regulation and enforcement--some will have 14 years, 
instead of four years, to meet the new arsenic rule. The Bush 
administration is studying whether to relax small-system standards 
even more. Yet all but a fraction of health violations occur in small 
systems, which serve some 50 million citizens. "What you have is a 
two-tier drinking water system, and that's pretty troubling," says 
NRDC'S Olson. He argues that health and efficiency require a major 
consolidation among the 54,000 U.S. water suppliers. Says EPA's 
Mehan, "Citizens and systems are going to have to look at this 

Turning off the tap. Citizens are certainly looking at other options, 
but less with an eye to changing the system than to just protecting 
themselves and their families. "We're looking at having a plumber put 
a filter on our entire house," said Atlanta resident Davignon. In the 
meantime, he buys bags of ice and water from the supermarket, adding, 
"I hate to pay for water, but if it's undrinkable, or the kids can't 
bathe, you do it." Already, 76 percent of Californians rely on 
bottled or filtered water. "We have reached a breaking point beyond 
which central treatment can no longer go," says Peter Censky, 
executive director of the Water Quality Association, which represents 
filter makers. Joseph Cotruvo, a former EPA water administrator, 
agrees: "You wouldn't think of drinking orange juice out of a pipe, 
would you? I wouldn't be surprised if 25 years from now the thought 
of drinking water as a beverage rather than a commodity will 

The drive toward bottled water and filters will, however, widen the 
gap between haves and have-nots, a result some hope technology can 
prevent. "[G]oing into the 21st century, you can't get the kind of 
long-term improvements in water quality that are needed without the 
next generation of technology," says Olson. A few U.S. water systems 
are trying disinfectants used in Europe: ozone, ultraviolet light, 
and perhaps the best purifier (used by bottlers Pepsi and Coke), 
reverse-osmosis membrane technology. "It removes just about 
everything," says Olson, "so you don't have this 
contaminant-of-the-month approach."

And yesterday's clean water may not be clean enough for the future. 
L. D. McMullen, chief executive officer of the Des Moines water 
system, believes as the population ages and more people have 
compromised immune systems, cities and towns will have to provide 
water much lower in contaminants than they do today. "We will totally 
have to deliver water to customers in a totally different way," he 
says. "You may see what I like to call 'neighborhood polishing 
units,' that develop ultrapure water in the neighborhoods and deliver 
it to homes" through much smaller pipe systems. Households need 
relatively little superclean water, McMullen points out, since less 
than 15 percent of "drinking water" is drunk or bathed in. Most goes 
to flushing toilets and watering lawns.

Des Moines has learned from experience that its citizens will pay for 
such improvements: In 1992, the city raised water rates 25 percent to 
build the world's largest removal plant for nitrate, an agricultural 
runoff that can reduce infants' oxygen uptake (blue-baby syndrome) 
and cause other ills in adults. But whether public water systems 
tackle their challenges on their own or turn the job over to private 
enterprise, or some combination, the changes ahead will require a 
revolution in how Americans think about drinking water. "People's 
knowledge of water comes from beer commercials, focused on the land 
of sky-blue waters, or mountain springs and aquifers underlying some 
Wisconsin hillside," says Censky of the Water Quality Association. 
"The public thinks water in these sources is pure, but it's not. 
Really, pure water is a man-made product."

With David D'Addio

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