The following email paste came in to me today like it'd just been located,
but it turned out to be an interesting news article from May 23rd of this
year.  If you haven't seen it, click on through and learn about biodiesel's
commercial efforts in the gambling state.

Best Regards,

Mark Radosevich
Durango, Colorado U.S.A.

p.s.  I find the recent attempts to poison ethanol via its energy balance
to be amusing.  Back in 1980, I participated in a such a study that
reviewed Eugene Schroder's farm-scale ethanol still from s.e. Colorado.
The evidence then indicated a positive energy balance for ethanol.  But not
toooo positive as lots of energy was spent to plant, harvest, cook and
distill grain fermented fuel ethanol.  But it was still positive.

I also remember that agricultural-based GASOHOL suddenly disappeared from
the landscape just as soon as Ron Regan was elected in 1980.  All the
brouhaha about it poisioning your engine disappeared just as suddenly as
well.  The mockery, chicanery, untruths, misinformation,,, it was suddenly
just gone!  Hummm...  But the very next year in 1981 gasohol magically
reappeared, yet it was cloaked now.  It was dispensed from new shiny gold
pumps as high-octane, super premium unleaded and sold at a premium price.
"Just give us five tankfuls and we'll clean your fuel injectors, etc, etc."
In fact, the first two TV commercials from Amoco showed Lee Travino the
golfer and Wilt the Stilt the Basketball champ pumping gold fuel into a
small, red-hot sports car.  The musical jingle opined, "I don't know, but
my car knows.  Try some."

Various naysayers to various aspects of the on again/off again fuel alcohol
movement have risen to the surface having been paid by various sources to
"interrupt" the flows from time to time.  Ethanol is experiencing the most
tremendous growth in its 95-year history.  But this growth is still
literally driven by the power of midwestern politicians vs: the straight
truth of reduced hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate combustion
emissions at the expense of slight growth of NOx emissions as a net result.
This happens with all oxygenates whether they biodegrade into the
environment or not.  The bottom line for fermented ethanol (whether
subsidized or not) is that a gallon of locally produced fuel has the
potential of 3x to 5x local/regional economic growth multipliers to
economies before somebody pumps gasoline into his/her tank and sends 66¢ of
every fuel dollar on a one-way ride to the Persian Gulf.

I''m signing off.


The following web pages have been indexed since 8/13/01
and match the term "biodegradable fuel":

Title: : New Fuel for Cars: Old Cooking Oil

Matching text:
>>> oils at casino hotels and restaurants went on sale in Nevada
Tuesday, the first public access fueling station in the nation to offer the
**biodegradable fuel** that reduces emissions. Western Energetix Cardlock,
a Reno-based division of Berry-Hinkley Industries, began offering the fuel
at a station in Sparks just south...

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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