[swinog] 3G Repeater

2014-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Fredy Kuenzler
Is anyone familiar with 3G repeater gear? I'm asking for a neighbor whose family owns a cottage in a Swiss mountain valley with poor 3G reception. Any recommendation for gear which is easily installable, more or less plug-n-play, not too expensive (less than CHF 1000) and last but not least

Re: [swinog] 3G Repeater

2014-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Roger Schmid
Is anyone familiar with 3G repeater gear? I'm asking for a neighbor whose family owns a cottage in a Swiss mountain valley with poor 3G reception. well its not so easy to give you an definite advise, the signal is based on reflection i believe, that has to be resolved. you have to take into