Thank you so much Daniel for the awesome response. I understand
clearly now.

On Mar 10, 11:08 am, Daniel Lohse <>
> Just subclass your backendForm to frontendForm and use the new useFields 
> method to a few unwanted widgets and their validators. As for the password 
> field: I think I added a updatePasswordColumn($value) method to my form class 
> and when it was blank ($value === '') I returned false in this method. That 
> way a blank password does not override the old one. For this to work you'll 
> need to make both your password and your password_again optional so it 
> doesn't give a 'Required.' error. Does this make sense?
> In case you're wondering, what these update%columnName%Column method is: you 
> can add those to your form class and they get called when a value is changed 
> in the form widget so you can reformat etc. But returning false in such a 
> method removes the value from the cleaned values and isn't included in the 
> update to the database. I don't know if that's documented somewhere but it 
> should be in the "What's new?" documents.
> Cheers, Daniel
> On 10.03.2010, at 19:31, Darren884 wrote:
> > For you seasoned Symfony users, I need some insight. I have been
> > having a dilemma that I need advice on. I  my backend I have a
> > customer form that handles the managing of customers throughout the
> > site. It contains fields that only the backend should display such as
> > IP, last login, etc...
> > My dilemma is how can I use the same form class in my frontend without
> > using the validators set in there or even displaying them?
> > Another problem is the password. Basically I want to allow the
> > customer to update their own information in my frontend, however when
> > they leave the password blank I want it to remain the same as before.
> > I have a validator on the password field now so its giving me a
> > headache.
> > Any insight is greatly appreciated.
> > Also I am using Doctrine and 1.4.
> > Thanks,
> > Darren
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