Here at #sflive2010 I've talked to many people who drew a blank when I
mentioned Apostrophe but recognized pkcontextcms, the old name for our
Symfony-based content management system.

That was a helpful reminder that we might not have emphasized this
clearly: Apostrophe is the new name of pkcontextcms and represents
continuous improvement and evolution of that plugin, not an entirely
new project.

You can find apostrophePlugin here:

The README gets cut off there, so check out:

And also:

We changed the name because Context was already in use as the name of
a CMS. We also took the opportunity to greatly shorten and improve all
class and function names, while providing a migration task you can use
if you have old pkContextCMS projects you'd like to bring along to

Thanks for your understanding!

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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