I'm trying to display several markers on a map and when you click on
the marker you get more info in the info window box.
Here is my code:

$gMap = new GMap();

foreach($objects as $object){
        $info = new GMapInfoWindow('Specific Info goes here for'.);
        $marker = new GMapMarker($object->getLatitude(), $object->getLongitude

$this->gMap = $gMap;

Then in the template I display the map with:
<?php include_map($gMap);?>

The map works fine and the markers display, but only one info window
is displayed. If I click on the marker that isn't displaying the info
window, the map centers on the other marker and displays its info
window. I need to display an info window for each marker.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
You can see my demo site here to see what I'm talking about: 
Thanks in advance for your help.

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