Hi Glenn,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn M. Keeni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 1.7 > > 12) SyslogService - can we make this just a service name.
>      > > port semantics are really ambiguous. How do distinguish a
>      > >port# from a TCP port#?
>      Not fixed.
> Response.
>      The syslogEntityControlTransportDomain specifies the 
> transport e.g.
>      transportDomainUdpIpv4.

I am looking for an unambiguous format for the value of this field.
SyslogService  ::=  TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS  current
           "The service name or port number that will be used to
            send and/or receive messages.
            The service name must resolve to a port number on the
            local host.
       SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))

A service name is presumably a string; a port number is a decimal
When put into this object, MUST the port number be represented as an
ASCII string? If so, the description does not say so.
If a service name is specified, is this done as an ASCII string or a
UTF-8 string? The description doesn't say. If it is not UTF-8, why

If the service name must resolve to a port number on the local host,
how will a remote NMS get that resolution from the local host?
Wouldn't it be simpler to put only a port number in the managed

If you restricted it to a port number, then implementers only need to
provide memory for an unsigned32 value (4 octets) rather than 255


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