
I encountered a really strange behaviour, and I am not sure if this is kernel, systemd or arch specific. Could you please try to explain to me what happens there? Here it is: I log into gnome desktop using the x server, x erver is running on tty2, everything works. I run a terminal emulator.
In the terminal I say: machinectl shell
I enter my password and I log in as root/gain a shell. I type exit to exit shell. I press ctrl+c at the bash prompt after leaving root shell. result: x server is killed/interrupted, probably receives the sigint signal as if the tty driver regained partial control over keyboard. Like, the gui works properly at least keyboard does (I am blind so I don't know if the screen does not switch to a text mode), but pressing ctrl+c probably goes to the vt and so interrupts the foreground process there, the xorg x server.
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