atop package

2023-12-13 Thread jai
In ubuntu 18, I am not able to install anything using apt package manager
because of atop package.

*root@dummyhost:~# systemctl status atopacct.serviceā— atopacct.service -
Atop process accounting daemon   Loaded: loaded
(/lib/systemd/system/atopacct.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
 Active: failed (Result: protocol) since Thu 2023-12-14 12:10:00 WIB; 49s
ago Docs: man:atopacctd(8)Dec 14 12:10:00 smartpesantren2 systemd[1]:
Starting Atop process accounting daemon...Dec 14 12:10:00 smartpesantren2
atopacctd[367437]: /run/pacct_shadow.d: File existsDec 14 12:10:00
smartpesantren2 systemd[1]: atopacct.service: Can't open PID file
/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directoryDec 14
12:10:00 smartpesantren2 systemd[1]: atopacct.service: Failed with result
'protocol'.Dec 14 12:10:00 smartpesantren2 systemd[1]: Failed to start Atop
process accounting daemon.*

The systemctl status shows error that /run/ is missing.
I executed "ln -s /run/ /run/" to create symlink of from and then restarted the atopacct.service which
fixed the problem.
But is this the proper way to solve this issue?

[systemd-devel] enabling cgroups v2

2023-09-08 Thread jai
*ISSUE 1:*
In ubuntu20, centos8 and almalinux8:

*root@host:~# grep cgroup /proc/filesystemsnodev   cgroupnodev   cgroup2*

In centos7:

*root@centos:~# grep cgroup /proc/filesystemsnodev   cgroup*

In my centos 7, command '*grep cgroup /proc/filesystems'* does not output
"nodev cgroup2". Does this mean cgroups v2 is not supported in it and
cannot be enabled in it?

*ISSUE 2:*
In my ubuntu20, centos8 and alma8 server, I enable cgroups v2 by:
1. adding "systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in
2. executing the command "grub2-mkconfig" or "update-grub" as root and then
3. reboot the server.

Without reboot, cgroups v2 does not come into effect when i check using the
below command:

*root@host:~# stat -fc %T /sys/fs/cgroup/tmpfs*

Is there a way this can be done without a reboot? I am looking for a way to
enable cgroups v2 which should n't need a reboot.