>From Paul Christman's Mai Tai Diaries on the Honolulu Marathon Week. The
organizers are UM grads and bring in various and sundry UM alumni every
year. More of Paul's free associating(including a Rono tidbit) on the week
at: http://www.runningstats.com/Pages/740/Players.html
Regards and best of the season to everyone,


"...On the Reef hospitality suite deck overlooking surf, sand, and
sunbathers, the journalist recalls another chat with the legendary
University of Michigan coach, Ron "War Dog" Warhurst. War Dog not only
coaches 1500m sensation Kevin Sullivan and steeple standout Tim Broe, but
now has recruited the phenom everyone is talking about: Alan Webb. It's
Warhurst's job to keep the lad who eclipsed Jim Ryun's high school mile
record from over-racing. There will only be three appearances on the tracks
of Europe next summer. But if the HMA decides to revive the Waikiki Mile for
the marathon's gala 30th anniversary next December and Webb elects to come
to Honolulu, the incendiary effect upon the media and possible television
coverage could be nearly as big as June Jones' Hawaii-BYU game.."

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