Published: May 23, 2005

When Dr. Anthony Sandoval of Los Alamos, N.M., does his daily run at
dawn through the Jemez Mountains, where he trained while he was a
medical student a generation ago, he is often reminded of the race
that was both his greatest triumph and a symbol of lost opportunity
for hundreds of Olympic athletes.

On May 24, 1980, Sandoval won the United States Olympic marathon trial
with a pivotal performance. Despite being unable to train at peak
levels because of his studies, Sandoval ran the race in 2 hours 10
minutes 19 seconds to win by 21 seconds on a course that started in
Buffalo and finished on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

But Sandoval was among 466 Americans in 24 sports unable to compete in
that year's Summer Olympics because the United States led a boycott of
the Moscow Games to protest Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Among
the United States Olympians that year, Sandoval had perhaps the most
to lose because of the boycott. American track followers had rated him
a gold-medal threat. Running would soon become a professional sport,
with marathon champions gaining worldwide fame and large purses.

In Moscow, the marathon was won by Waldemar Cierpinski of East
Germany, who also won at Montreal in 1976 and has since been
implicated in his nation's widespread drug scandal.

Today, Sandoval, 51, is not bitter but still feels the sting of a missed chance.

"I was so comfortable with my running, so healthy," he said in a
recent telephone interview. "I think I would have been vying for the
gold medal. I wish I'd had the forethought to keep at it."

Demoralized at the time by the boycott, Sandoval ran local races and
kept away from the limelight. He made halfhearted attempts in other
marathon trials, placing sixth in 1984 and 27th in 1988; in the 1992
trial, he was injured and did not finish, ending his running career.

Sandoval continued to run for fitness as he completed his medical
studies and became a cardiologist, tending mostly to New Mexico's

"Heart function always excited me," he said. Sandoval helped create
the New Mexico Heart Institute, now the state's largest agency for
cardiac care. He is on call virtually all the time, and he runs with a
pager and a phone.

Still training up to 10 miles a day, Sandoval, 5 feet 8 inches and 120
pounds, looks almost as trim as he did when tests showed he had a mere
1 percent body fat in 1980. He runs the same mountain trails as
before, reaching altitudes of 10,000 feet, passing herds of elk and
seeing the small town of Truchas, where he grew up, in the distance.
When his schedule allows it, Sandoval will go as far as 17 miles on
what he calls his breakfast run. His wife, Mary, meets him with bagels
and fruit at a mountain clearing.

Although he recently ran a masters race, Sandoval's mission, outside
medicine, has been to pass on the values of running to his six

"Living life in an appropriate way," he said about the ethic of
running. "Loving the environment, respecting your body. While my
running is personal, it is also something I can give."

Sandoval's oldest child, Magdalena, 22, graduated from the University
of Oregon this month after starring in track and cross-country for
four years. She is expected to compete at the N.C.A.A. meet in June in
Sacramento. Miguel, 21, will be a senior next fall at the University
of California-Davis, where he runs cross-country and is on the
triathlon team. Marisa, 17, is a key member of Los Alamos High
School's nationally ranked state champion cross-country team. Analisa,
16, is a swimmer and a runner at Los Alamos. Benigno, 13, is a soccer
player. Teresa, 10, is in fourth grade.

As an initiation rite, Sandoval takes his children to run the mountain
trails that fueled him in 1980, teaching them lessons along the way.
Running deep into Bayo Canyon, Sandoval and Marisa will mark sites
traditionally considered holy and empowering.

"There are long columns of sandstone that the local Indians consider
sacred," Sandoval said. "When I did my hardest workouts, I would put
out my hand, to acknowledge the Indian spires and draw strength from

At 10, Sandoval moved from Truchas to Los Alamos after his parents
divorced. Too small for basketball or football, he started running and
became a state champion at Los Alamos High, earning a scholarship to
Stanford. He first showed Olympic medal potential in 1976, when he won
the Pac-8 Conference 10,000 meters over three Kenyans from Washington
State, including Samson Kimobwa, who set a world record in the 10,000
meters the next year.

"They took 2-3-4 against me," Sandoval recalled with relish.

Those triumphant memories are never far away as Sandoval runs the
Jemez Mountain mesas and the sun rises over the distant Sangre de
Cristos, shading the canyon with chocolate browns and giving Sandoval
a glow in the morning light.

"Sometimes," he said, "a memory will flash if I turn a corner and come
upon a trail I used to run."

Has Sandoval finally made peace with the disillusionment of 1980?

"I think I'm content, but not perfectly," he said, noting that he felt
he had never been fully tested. "I never ran all out."


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